LibertyGives Foundation

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The LibertyGives Foundation is a Colorado non-profit organization formed by Liberty Media in 2007 to encourage and promote charitable giving. In 2010, the LibertyGives Foundation established a permanent theme for corporate giving: to support charities that address the needs of underprivileged youth in Colorado, with a focus on proactive and preventative services. All recipient organizations have a Liberty Media employee who is actively engaged with the entity and acts as a sponsor on its behalf.

We actively promote the values of giving and philanthropy among our employee base. Since its inception, the LibertyGives Foundation has contributed over $11 million to various recipient organizations. However, the reach of LibertyGives extends beyond these monetary contributions. Liberty Media employees are actively involved in the organizations for which they act as a sponsor, often through volunteer work and board representation, and this investment of time is often far more impactful than our investment of dollars. Additionally, we offer all employees a 1:1 match on charitable contributions up to a limit of $10,000 per employee per year.

In 2024:

  • Contributions were made to 97 organizations.
  • Donations totaled $776,000 including LibertyGives grants going to 26 organizations.
  • Over half of our employees participated in the Liberty Match Program, donating $196k, totaling $392k.
  • Liberty employees and contractors continue to be a huge support to Clothes to Kids, donating to a Back to School drive.
  • Liberty Media’s annual Treasury Fundraiser for MOVEmber brought in over $27k to support MD Anderson’s Neurology department in support of the amazing work they are doing to battle brain cancer.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for contributions from the LibertyGives Foundation, charities must:

  • Be based in Colorado
  • Benefit underprivileged youth in Colorado
  • Be organized pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code
  • Be sponsored by a Liberty Media employee
  • Sponsors must have an established and current relationship with the organization

If you meet the aforementioned criteria for a LibertyGives Foundation grant, please work with your Liberty Media contact to submit an application.

2024 Grantees

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Liberty Broadband QVC Group