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Washington, D.C. 20549
Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
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Preliminary Proxy Statement |
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Definitive Proxy Statement |
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Definitive Additional Materials |
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Soliciting Material under §240.14a-12 |
Liberty Media Corporation | ||||
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter) |
N/A |
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant) |
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Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) | Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) | Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) | Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
(4) | Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) | Total fee paid: |
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Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
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Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) | Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
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(4) | Date Filed: |
12300 Liberty Boulevard
Englewood, Colorado 80112
(720) 875-5400
April 17, 2015
Dear Stockholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the 2015 annual meeting of stockholders of Liberty Media Corporation (Liberty Media) to be held at 9:00 a.m., local time, on June 2, 2015, at the corporate offices of Starz, 8900 Liberty Circle, Englewood, Colorado 80112, telephone (720) 852-7700.
At the annual meeting, you will be asked to consider and vote on the proposals described in the accompanying notice of annual meeting and proxy statement, as well as on such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Your vote is important, regardless of the number of shares you own. Whether or not you plan to attend the annual meeting, please read the enclosed proxy materials and then promptly vote via the Internet or telephone or, if you received a paper proxy card, by completing, signing and returning by mail the enclosed proxy card. Doing so will not prevent you from later revoking your proxy or changing your vote at the meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support and interest in Liberty Media.
Very truly yours, | ||
Gregory B. Maffei President and Chief Executive Officer |
The Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials is first being mailed on or about April 22, 2015, and the proxy materials relating to the annual meeting will first be made available on or about the same date.
12300 Liberty Boulevard
Englewood, Colorado 80112
(720) 875-5400
to be Held on June 2, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the annual meeting of stockholders of Liberty Media Corporation (Liberty Media) to be held at 9:00 a.m., local time, on June 2, 2015, at the corporate offices of Starz, 8900 Liberty Circle, Englewood, Colorado 80112, telephone (720) 852-7700, to consider and vote on the following proposals:
You may also be asked to consider and vote on such other business as may properly come before the annual meeting.
Holders of record of our Series A common stock, par value $0.01 per share, and Series B common stock, par value $0.01 per share, in each case, outstanding as of 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on April 7, 2015, the record date for the annual meeting, will be entitled to notice of the annual meeting and to vote at the annual meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. These holders will vote together as a single class on each proposal. A list of stockholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting will be available at our offices at 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112 for review by our stockholders for any purpose germane to the annual meeting for at least ten days prior to the annual meeting. The holders of record of our Series C common stock, par value $0.01 per share, are not entitled to any voting powers, except as required by Delaware law, and may not vote on the proposals to be presented at the annual meeting.
We describe the proposals in more detail in the accompanying proxy statement. We encourage you to read the proxy statement in its entirety before voting.
Our board of directors has unanimously approved each proposal and recommends that you vote "FOR" the election of each director nominee and "FOR" each of the auditors ratification proposal and the say-on-pay proposal.
Votes may be cast in person at the annual meeting or by proxy prior to the meeting by telephone, via the Internet, or by mail.
YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. Voting promptly, regardless of the number of shares you own, will aid us in reducing the expense of any further proxy solicitation in connection with the annual meeting.
By order of the board of directors, Pamela L. Coe Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Secretary |
April 17, 2015
a Delaware corporation
12300 Liberty Boulevard
Englewood, Colorado 80112
(720) 875-5400
We are furnishing this proxy statement in connection with the board of directors' solicitation of proxies for use at our 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held at 9:00 a.m., local time, at the corporate offices of Starz, 8900 Liberty Circle, Englewood, Colorado 80112 on June 2, 2015, or at any adjournment or postponement of the annual meeting. At the annual meeting, we will ask you to consider and vote on the proposals described in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The proposals are described in more detail in this proxy statement. We are soliciting proxies from holders of our Series A common stock, par value $0.01 per share (LMCA), and Series B common stock, par value $0.01 per share (LMCB). The holders of our Series C common stock, par value $0.01 per share (LMCK), are not entitled to any voting powers, except as required by Delaware law, and may not vote on the proposals to be presented at the annual meeting. We refer to LMCA, LMCB and LMCK together as our common stock.
Notice and Access of Proxy Materials
We have elected, in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission's "Notice and Access" rule, to deliver a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the Notice) to our stockholders and to post our proxy statement and our annual report to our stockholders (collectively, the proxy materials) electronically. The Notice is first being mailed to our stockholders on or about April 22, 2015. The proxy materials will first be made available to our stockholders on or about the same date.
The Notice instructs you how to access and review the proxy materials and how to submit your proxy via the Internet or by telephone. The Notice also instructs you how to request and receive a paper copy of the proxy materials, including a proxy card or voting instruction form, at no charge. We will not mail a paper copy of the proxy materials to you unless specifically requested to do so.
Registered stockholders may elect to receive future notices and proxy materials by e-mail. To sign up for electronic delivery, go to Stockholders who hold shares through a bank, brokerage firm or other nominee may sign up for electronic delivery when voting by Internet at, by following the prompts. Also, stockholders who hold shares through a bank, brokerage firm or other nominee may sign up for electronic delivery by contacting their nominee. Once you sign up, you will not receive a printed copy of the notices and proxy materials, unless you request them. If you are a registered stockholder, you may suspend electronic delivery of the notices and proxy materials at any time by contacting our transfer agent, Computershare, at 866-367-6355 (outside the United States 1-781-575-3400). Stockholders who hold shares through a bank, brokerage firm or other nominee should contact their nominee to suspend electronic delivery.
The annual meeting of stockholders is to be held at 9:00 a.m., local time, on June 2, 2015, at the corporate offices of Starz, 8900 Liberty Circle, Englewood, Colorado 80112, telephone (720) 852-7700.
At the annual meeting, you will be asked to consider and vote on each of the following:
You may also be asked to consider and vote on such other business as may properly come before the annual meeting, although we are not aware at this time of any other business that might come before the annual meeting.
In order to conduct the business of the annual meeting, a quorum must be present. This means that the holders of at least a majority of the aggregate voting power represented by the shares of our common stock outstanding on the record date and entitled to vote at the annual meeting must be represented at the annual meeting either in person or by proxy. For purposes of determining a quorum, your shares will be included as represented at the meeting even if you indicate on your proxy that you abstain from voting. If a broker, who is a record holder of shares, indicates on a form of proxy that the broker does not have discretionary authority to vote those shares on a particular proposal or proposals, or if those shares are voted in circumstances in which proxy authority is defective or has been withheld, those shares (broker non-votes) will nevertheless be treated as present for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum. See "Voting Procedures for Shares Held in Street NameEffect of Broker Non-Votes" below.
Holders of shares of LMCA and LMCB, as recorded in our stock register as of 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on April 7, 2015 (such date and time, the record date for the annual meeting), will be entitled to notice of the annual meeting and to vote at the annual meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.
Each director nominee who receives a plurality of the affirmative votes of the outstanding shares of our common stock that are entitled to vote at the annual meeting and are voted in person or by proxy, voting together as a single class, will be elected to office.
Approval of each of the auditors ratification proposal and the say-on-pay proposal requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the aggregate voting power of the outstanding shares of our common stock that are present in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote at the annual meeting, voting together as a single class.
At the annual meeting, holders of shares of LMCA will have one vote per share and holders of shares of LMCB will have ten votes per share, in each case, that our records show are owned as of the record date.
Recommendation of Our Board of Directors
Our board of directors has unanimously approved each of the proposals and recommends that you vote "FOR" the election of each director nominee and "FOR" each of the auditors ratification proposal and the say-on-pay proposal.
As of the record date, an aggregate of 104,533,291 shares of LMCA and 9,873,919 shares of LMCB were issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at the annual meeting.
There were, as of the record date, 1,354 and 87 record holders of LMCA and LMCB, respectively (which amounts do not include the number of stockholders whose shares are held of record by banks, brokers or other nominees, but include each such institution as one holder).
Voting Procedures for Record Holders
Holders of record of LMCA and LMCB as of the record date may vote in person at the annual meeting, by telephone or through the Internet. Alternatively, if they received a paper proxy card, they may give a proxy by completing, signing, dating and returning the proxy card by mail. Instructions for voting by using the telephone or the Internet are printed on the Notice or the proxy card. In order to vote through the Internet, holders should have their Notices or proxy cards available so they can input the required information from the Notice or the proxy card, and log onto the Internet website address shown on the Notice or proxy card. When holders log onto the Internet website address, they will receive instructions on how to vote their shares. The telephone and Internet voting procedures are designed to authenticate votes cast by use of a personal identification number, which will be provided to each voting stockholder separately. Unless subsequently revoked, shares of our common stock represented by a proxy submitted as described herein and received at or before the annual meeting will be voted in accordance with the instructions on the proxy.
YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. It is recommended that you vote by proxy even if you plan to attend the annual meeting. You may change your vote at the annual meeting.
If you submit a properly executed proxy without indicating any voting instructions as to a proposal enumerated in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders, the shares represented by the proxy will be voted "FOR" the election of each director nominee and "FOR" each of the other proposals.
If you submit a proxy indicating that you abstain from voting as to a proposal, it will have no effect on the election of directors proposal and will have the same effect as a vote "AGAINST" each of the other proposals.
If you do not submit a proxy or you do not vote in person at the annual meeting, your shares will not be counted as present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining a quorum, and your failure to vote will have no effect on determining whether any of the proposals are approved (if a quorum is present).
Voting Procedures for Shares Held in Street Name
General. If you hold your shares in the name of a broker, bank or other nominee, you should follow the instructions provided by your broker, bank or other nominee when voting your shares or to grant or revoke a proxy. The rules and regulations of the New York Stock Exchange and The Nasdaq Stock Market prohibit brokers, banks and other nominees from voting shares on behalf of their clients with respect to numerous matters, including, in our case, the election of directors proposal and the say-on-pay proposal. Accordingly, to ensure your shares held in street name are voted on these matters, we encourage you to provide promptly specific voting instructions to your broker, bank or other nominee.
Effect of Broker Non-Votes. Broker non-votes are counted as shares of our common stock present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining a quorum but will have no effect on either of the proposals. You should follow the directions your broker, bank or other nominee provides to you regarding how to vote your shares of LMCA or LMCB or how to change your vote or revoke your proxy.
If you submitted a proxy prior to the start of the annual meeting, you may change your vote by voting in person at the annual meeting or by delivering a signed proxy revocation or a new signed proxy with a later date to Liberty Media Corporation, c/o Computershare Trust Company, N.A., P.O. Box 43102, Providence, Rhode Island 02940. Any signed proxy revocation or later-dated proxy must be received before the start of the annual meeting. In addition, you may change your vote through the Internet or by telephone (if you originally voted by the corresponding method) not later than 2:00 a.m., New York City time, on June 2, 2015.
Your attendance at the annual meeting will not, by itself, revoke a prior vote or proxy from you.
If your shares are held in an account by a broker, bank or other nominee, you should contact your nominee to change your vote or revoke your proxy.
We are soliciting proxies by means of our proxy statement and our annual report (together, the proxy materials) on behalf of our board of directors. In addition to this mailing, our employees may solicit proxies personally or by telephone. We pay the cost of soliciting these proxies. We also reimburse brokers and other nominees for their expenses in sending the Notice and, if requested, paper proxy materials to you and getting your voting instructions. We have also retained D.F. King & Co., Inc. (D.F. King) to assist in the solicitation of proxies at a cost of $5,000, plus reasonable out of pocket expenses.
If you have any further questions about voting or attending the annual meeting, please contact Liberty Media Investor Relations at (877) 772-1518 or our proxy solicitor, D.F. King, at (212) 269-5550 (brokers and banks only) or (800) 622-1291 (toll free).
Other Matters to Be Voted on at the Annual Meeting
Our board of directors is not currently aware of any business to be acted on at the annual meeting other than that which is described in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and this proxy statement. If, however, other matters are properly brought to a vote at the annual meeting, the persons designated as proxies will have discretion to vote or to act on these matters according to their best judgment. In the event there is a proposal to adjourn or postpone the annual meeting, the persons designated as proxies will have discretion to vote on that proposal.
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
The following table sets forth information concerning shares of our common stock beneficially owned by each person or entity known by us to own more than five percent of the outstanding shares of LMCA and LMCB, which are our company's voting securities. Beneficial ownership of our LMCK shares is set forth below only to the extent known by us or ascertainable from public filings. All of the information reported in the table below is based on publicly available filings.
The security ownership information is given as of February 28, 2015 and, in the case of percentage ownership information, is based upon (1) 104,511,547 shares of LMCA, (2) 9,873,972 shares of LMCB and (3) 227,790,898 shares of LMCK, in each case, outstanding on that date. The percentage voting power is presented on an aggregate basis for all series of common stock. LMCK shares are, however, non-voting and, therefore, in the case of percentage voting power, are not included.
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Title of Series |
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership |
Percent of Series (%) |
Voting Power (%) |
John C. Malone |
LMCA | 1,202,487 | (1) | 1.2 | 47.1 | |||||||
c/o Liberty Media Corporation |
LMCB | 9,455,341 | (1) | 95.8 | ||||||||
12300 Liberty Boulevard |
LMCK | 20,854,685 | (1) | 9.2 | ||||||||
Englewood, CO 80112 |
BlackRock, Inc. |
6,637,621 |
(2) |
6.4 |
3.3 |
55 East 52nd Street |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
New York, NY 10022 |
LMCK | 13,936,622 | (2) | 6.1 |
Security Ownership of Management
The following table sets forth information with respect to the ownership by each of our directors and named executive officers and Brian M. Deevy, a director nominee, and by all of our directors and executive officers and Mr. Deevy as a group of shares of (1) each outstanding series of our common stock (LMCA, LMCB and LMCK) and (2) the Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share (SIRI), of Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (Sirius XM), in which we hold a controlling interest. The security ownership information with respect to our common stock is given as of February 28, 2015, and, in the case of percentage ownership information, is based upon (1) 104,511,547 LMCA shares, (2) 9,873,972 LMCB shares and (3) 227,790,898 LMCK shares, in each case, outstanding on that date. The security ownership information with respect to SIRI is given as of February 3, 2015, and, in the case of percentage ownership information, is based on 5,581,438,748 SIRI shares outstanding on that date. The percentage voting power is presented in the table below on an aggregate basis for all LMCA and LMCB shares.
Shares of restricted stock that have been granted pursuant to our incentive plans are included in the outstanding share numbers, for purposes of the table below and throughout this proxy statement.
Shares of common stock issuable upon exercise or conversion of options, warrants and convertible securities that were exercisable or convertible on or within 60 days after February 28, 2015, are deemed to be outstanding and to be beneficially owned by the person holding the options, warrants or convertible securities for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of that person and for the aggregate percentage owned by the directors, named executive officers and Mr. Deevy as a group, but are not treated as outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other individual person. For purposes of the following presentation, beneficial ownership of shares of LMCB, though convertible on a one-for-one basis into shares of LMCA, are reported as beneficial ownership of LMCB only, and not as beneficial ownership of LMCA. So far as is known to us, the persons indicated below have sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the shares indicated as owned by them, except as otherwise stated in the notes to the table.
The number of shares indicated as owned by the persons in the table includes interests in shares held by the Liberty Media 401(k) Savings Plan as of February 28, 2015. The shares held by the trustee of the Liberty Media 401(k) Savings Plan for the benefit of these persons are voted as directed by such persons.
Title of Series |
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership |
Percent of Series (%) |
Voting Power (%) |
(In thousands) |
John C. Malone |
LMCA | 1,202 | (1)(2)(3)(4) | 1.2 | 47.1 | |||||||
Chairman of the Board |
LMCB | 9,455 | (1)(2)(5) | 95.8 | ||||||||
and Director |
LMCK | 20,855 | (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) | 9.2 | ||||||||
SIRI | 267 | (3) | * | * | |||||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
3,372 |
(7)(9) |
3.2 |
1.7 |
President, Chief Executive |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
Officer and Director |
LMCK | 6,813 | (6)(7)(9) | 3.0 | ||||||||
SIRI | 466 | (10) | * | * | |||||||
Robert R. Bennett |
760 |
(8)(11) |
* |
* |
Director |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
LMCK | 1,523 | (8)(11) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
Brian M. Deevy |
** |
(12) |
* |
* |
Director Nominee |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
LMCK | ** | (12) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
Donne F. Fisher |
35 |
(7)(8) |
* |
* |
Director |
LMCB | 38 | * | |||||||||
LMCK | 148 | (7)(8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
M. Ian G. Gilchrist |
3 |
(7)(8) |
* |
* |
Director |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
LMCK | 5 | (7)(8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | |
Title of Series |
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership |
Percent of Series (%) |
Voting Power (%) |
(In thousands) |
Evan D. Malone |
12 | (7)(8) | * | * | |||||||
Director |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
LMCK | 26 | (7)(8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | 12 | (10) | * | * | |||||||
David E. Rapley |
4 |
(8) |
* |
* |
Director |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
LMCK | 11 | (8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
Larry E. Romrell |
21 |
(7)(8)(13) |
* |
* |
Director |
LMCB | ** | (13) | * | ||||||||
LMCK | 45 | (7)(8)(13) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
Andrea L. Wong |
4 |
(8) |
* |
* |
Director |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
LMCK | 11 | (8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
Richard N. Baer |
19 |
(8) |
* |
* |
Senior Vice President |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
and General Counsel |
LMCK | 39 | (8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
133 |
(7)(8) |
* |
* |
Senior Vice President |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
LMCK | 274 | (6)(7)(8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
Christopher W. Shean |
133 |
(7)(8) |
* |
* |
Senior Vice President and |
LMCB | | | |||||||||
Chief Financial Officer |
LMCK | 281 | (6)(7)(8) | * | ||||||||
SIRI | | | | ||||||||
All directors and executive officers as a group (13 persons) |
5,699 |
(1)(2)(3)(4)(7)(8)(9)(11)(12)(13) |
5.5 |
49.5 |
LMCB | 9,493 | (1)(2)(5)(13) | 96.1 | ||||||||
LMCK | 30,031 | (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(11)(12)(13) | 13.2 | ||||||||
SIRI | 745 | (3)(10) | * | * |
Mr. Malone's adult children and in which Mr. Malone has no pecuniary interest. Mr. Malone retains the right to substitute assets held by the trusts and has disclaimed beneficial ownership of the shares held by the trusts.
LMCK | |||
John C. Malone |
159 | |||
Gregory B. Maffei |
36,332 | |||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
6,583 | |||
Christopher W. Shean |
12,936 | |||
| | | | |
Total |
56,010 | |||
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
LMCA | LMCK | |||||
Donne F. Fisher |
11,671 | 23,588 | |||||
M. Ian G. Gilchrist |
1,651 | 3,336 | |||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
1,598,883 | 3,230,873 | |||||
Evan D. Malone |
8,179 | 16,531 | |||||
Larry E. Romrell |
2,688 | 5,432 | |||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
66,324 | 134,022 | |||||
Christopher W. Shean |
67,670 | 136,742 | |||||
| | | | | | | |
Total |
1,757,066 | 3,550,524 | |||||
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
LMCA | LMCK | |||||
Robert R. Bennett |
595 | 3,815 | |||||
Donne F. Fisher |
595 | 3,815 | |||||
M. Ian G. Gilchrist |
595 | 1,190 | |||||
Evan D. Malone |
595 | 3,815 | |||||
David E. Rapley |
595 | 3,815 | |||||
Larry E. Romrell |
595 | 3,815 | |||||
Andrea L. Wong |
595 | 3,815 | |||||
Richard N. Baer |
19,372 | 38,744 | |||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
19,091 | 38,182 | |||||
Christopher W. Shean |
19,091 | 38,182 | |||||
| | | | | | | |
Total |
61,719 | 139,188 | |||||
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
We know of no arrangements, including any pledge by any person of our securities, the operation of which may at a subsequent date result in a change in control of our company.
The following proposals will be presented at the annual meeting by our board of directors.
Our board of directors currently consists of nine directors, divided among three classes. Our Class II directors, whose term will expire at the annual meeting, are Donne F. Fisher, Gregory B. Maffei and Andrea L. Wong. Mr. Fisher has chosen to retire from our board of directors, effective immediately prior to the annual meeting, and not to seek re-election at this annual meeting. Brian M. Deevy, Mr. Maffei and Ms. Wong are nominated for election to our board to serve as Class II directors. We have been informed that each of Mr. Maffei, Ms. Wong and Mr. Deevy is willing to serve as a director of our company. The term of the Class II directors who are elected at the annual meeting will expire at the annual meeting of our stockholders in the year 2018. Our Class III directors, whose term will expire at the annual meeting of our stockholders in the year 2016, are John C. Malone, Robert R. Bennett and M. Ian G. Gilchrist. Our Class I directors, whose term will expire at the annual meeting of our stockholders in the year 2017, are Evan D. Malone, David E. Rapley and Larry E. Romrell.
If any nominee should decline election or should become unable to serve as a director of our company for any reason before election at the annual meeting, votes will be cast by the persons appointed as proxies for a substitute nominee, if any, designated by the board of directors.
The following lists the three nominees for election as directors at the annual meeting and the six directors of our company whose term of office will continue after the annual meeting, and includes as to each person how long such person has been a director of our company, such person's professional background, other public company directorships and other factors considered in the determination that such person possesses the requisite qualifications and skills to serve as a member of our board of directors. All positions referenced in the biographical information below with our company include, where applicable, positions with our predecessors. The number of shares of our common stock beneficially owned by each director and director nominee, as of February 28, 2015, is set forth in this proxy statement under the caption "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and ManagementSecurity Ownership of Management."
Nominees for Election as Directors
Brian M. Deevy
Gregory B. Maffei
Andrea L. Wong
Directors Whose Term Expires in 2016
John C. Malone
Robert R. Bennett
Investments LLC, a private investment company. Mr. Bennett served as the Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Interactive from April 1997 to August 2005 and its President from April 1997 to February 2006 and held various executive positions with Liberty Interactive from 1994 to 1997.
M. Ian G. Gilchrist
Directors Whose Term Expires in 2017
Evan D. Malone
served as a post-doctoral research assistant at Cornell University and an engineering consultant with Rich Food Products, a food processing company. Dr. Malone has served as co-owner and director of Drive Passion PC Services, CC, an Internet café, telecommunications and document services company, in South Africa since 2007 and served as an applied physics technician for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, part of the national laboratory system of the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy, from 1999 until 2001. He also is a founding member of Jet Wine Bar, a wine bar, and Rex 1516, a restaurant, both in Philadelphia.
David E. Rapley
Larry E. Romrell
A plurality of the affirmative votes of the outstanding shares of our common stock that are entitled to vote at the annual meeting and are voted in person or by proxy, voting together as a single class, is required to elect each of Mr. Deevy, Mr. Maffei and Ms. Wong as Class II members of our board of directors.
Our board of directors unanimously recommends a vote "FOR" the election of each nominee to our board of directors.
We are asking our stockholders to ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015.
Even if the selection of KPMG LLP is ratified, the audit committee of our board of directors in its discretion may direct the appointment of a different independent accounting firm at any time during the year if our audit committee determines that such a change would be advisable. In the event our stockholders fail to ratify the selection of KPMG LLP, our audit committee will consider it as a direction to select other auditors for the year ending December 31, 2015.
A representative of KPMG LLP is expected to be present at the annual meeting, will have the opportunity to make a statement if he or she so desires and is expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.
The following table presents fees for professional audit services rendered by KPMG LLP for the audit of our consolidated financial statements for 2014 and 2013 and fees billed for other services rendered by KPMG LLP.
2014(1) | 2013(1) | |||||
Audit fees |
$ | 1,584,000 | 1,111,000 | ||||
Audit related fees(2) |
32,000 | 375,000 | |||||
| | | | | | | |
Audit and audit related fees |
1,616,000 | 1,486,000 | |||||
Tax fees(3) |
548,000 | 519,000 | |||||
| | | | | | | |
Total fees |
$ | 2,164,000 | 2,005,000 | ||||
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Our audit committee has considered whether the provision of services by KPMG LLP to our company other than auditing is compatible with KPMG LLP maintaining its independence and believes that the provision of such other services is compatible with KPMG LLP maintaining its independence.
Policy on Pre-Approval of Audit and Permissible Non-Audit Services of Independent Auditor
Our audit committee has adopted a policy regarding the pre-approval of all audit and permissible non-audit services provided by our independent auditor. Pursuant to this policy, our audit committee
has approved the engagement of our independent auditor to provide the following services (all of which are collectively referred to as pre-approved services):
Notwithstanding the foregoing general pre-approval, if an individual project involving the provision of pre-approved services is expected to result in fees in excess of $100,000, or if individual projects under $100,000 are expected to total $500,000 during the period between the regularly scheduled meetings of the audit committee, then such projects will require the specific pre-approval of our audit committee. Our audit committee has delegated the authority for the foregoing approvals to the chairman of the audit committee, subject to his subsequent disclosure to the entire audit committee of the granting of any such approval. Donne F. Fisher served as the chairman of our audit committee during 2014. In addition, the independent auditor is required to provide a report at each regularly scheduled audit committee meeting on all pre-approved services incurred during the preceding quarter. Any engagement of our independent auditors for services other than the pre-approved services requires the specific approval of our audit committee.
Under our policy, any fees incurred by Sirius XM in connection with the provision of services by Sirius XM's independent auditor, are expected to be reviewed and approved by Sirius XM's audit committee pursuant to Sirius XM's policy regarding the pre-approval of all audit and permissible non-audit services provided by its independent auditor in effect at the time of such approval. Such approval by Sirius XM's audit committee pursuant to its policy is deemed to be pre-approval of the services by our audit committee.
Our pre-approval policy prohibits the engagement of our independent auditor to provide any services that are subject to the prohibition imposed by Section 201 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
All services provided by our independent auditor during 2014 were approved in accordance with the terms of the policy in place.
The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the aggregate voting power of the outstanding shares of our common stock that are present in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote at the annual meeting, voting together as a single class, is required to approve the auditors ratification proposal.
Our board of directors unanimously recommends a vote "FOR" the auditors ratification proposal.
We are providing our stockholders the opportunity to vote to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as described below in accordance with Section 14A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act). This advisory vote is often referred to as the "say-on-pay" vote and allows our stockholders to express their views on the overall compensation paid to our named executive officers. At the 2012 annual meeting of stockholders of our former parent company (Old LMC), stockholders elected to hold a say-on-pay vote every three years, which is known as a say-on-frequency vote, and we assumed the results of the say-on-frequency vote in connection with our spin-off from Starz in January 2013 (the LMC Spin-Off). Accordingly, the next required say-on-pay vote will occur at the 2018 annual meeting of stockholders. Our company values the views of our stockholders and is committed to excellence in the design and effectiveness of our company's executive compensation program.
We are seeking stockholder approval of the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in this proxy statement in accordance with applicable SEC rules, which include the disclosures under "Compensation Discussion and Analysis," the compensation tables (including all related footnotes) and any additional narrative discussion of compensation included herein. This vote is not intended to address any specific item of compensation, but rather the overall compensation of our named executive officers and the policies and practices with respect to their compensation, each as described in this proxy statement. Stockholders are encouraged to read the "Compensation Discussion and Analysis" section of this proxy statement, which provides an overview of our company's executive compensation policies and procedures, and how they operate and are designed to achieve the performance objectives of our company and of each of our named executive officers individually.
Accordingly, our board of directors is asking stockholders to approve the following advisory resolution at the 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:
"RESOLVED, that the stockholders of Liberty Media Corporation hereby approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to our company's named executive officers, as disclosed in this proxy statement pursuant to the rules of the SEC, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, compensation tables and any related narrative discussion."
Although this vote is advisory and non-binding on our board of directors and our company, our board of directors and the compensation committee, which are responsible for designing and administering our company's executive compensation program, value the opinions expressed by our stockholders in their vote on this proposal and will consider the outcome of the vote when making future compensation policies and decisions for named executive officers.
This advisory resolution will be considered approved if it receives the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the aggregate voting power of the outstanding shares of our common stock that are present in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote at the annual meeting, voting together as a single class.
Our board of directors unanimously recommends a vote "FOR" the approval of the say-on-pay proposal.
The following lists the executive officers of our company (other than Gregory B. Maffei, our President and Chief Executive Officer, and John C. Malone, our Chairman of the Board, who also serve as directors of our company and who are listed under "Proposals of Our BoardProposal 1The Election of Directors Proposal"), their ages and a description of their business experience, including positions held with our company. All positions referenced in the table below with our company include, where applicable, positions with our predecessors.
Positions | |
Richard N. Baer Age: 58 |
Mr. Baer has served as a Senior Vice President and General Counsel of our company and Liberty Interactive since January 2013. He has also served as a Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Liberty TripAdvisor since July 2013 and Liberty Broadband since June 2014. Previously, Mr. Baer served as Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated from May 2011 to December 2012. He served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Qwest Communications International Inc. from December 2002 to April 2011 and Chief Administrative Officer from August 2008 to April 2011. | |
Albert E. Rosenthaler Age: 55 |
Mr. Rosenthaler has served as a Senior Vice President of our company (including our predecessor) since May 2007, Liberty Interactive since April 2002, Liberty TripAdvisor since July 2013 and Liberty Broadband since June 2014. |
Christopher W. Shean Age: 49 |
Mr. Shean has served as a Senior Vice President of our company (including our predecessor) since May 2007, the Chief Financial Officer since November 2011 and the Controller from May 2007 to October 2011. He has also served as a Senior Vice President of Liberty Interactive since January 2002 and the Chief Financial Officer since November 2011. Previously, Mr. Shean served as the Controller of Liberty Interactive from October 2000 to October 2011 and a Vice President from October 2000 to January 2002. Mr. Shean has also served as a Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Liberty TripAdvisor since July 2013 and Liberty Broadband since June 2014. |
Our executive officers will serve in such capacities until their respective successors have been duly elected and have been qualified, or until their earlier death, resignation, disqualification or removal from office. There is no family relationship between any of our executive officers or directors, by blood, marriage or adoption, other than Evan D. Malone who is the son of John C. Malone.
During the past ten years, none of the above persons has had any involvement in such legal proceedings as would be material to an evaluation of his ability or integrity.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our executive officers and directors, and persons who own more than ten percent of a registered class of our equity securities, to file reports of ownership
and changes in ownership with the SEC. Officers, directors and greater than ten-percent stockholders are required by SEC regulation to furnish us with copies of all Section 16 forms they file.
Based solely on a review of the copies of the Forms 3, 4 and 5 and amendments to those forms furnished to us during our most recent fiscal year, or written representations that no Forms 5 were required, we believe that, during the year ended December 31, 2014, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to our officers, directors and greater than ten-percent beneficial owners were met.
We have adopted a code of ethics that applies to all of our employees, directors and officers, which constitutes our "code of ethics" within the meaning of Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Our code of ethics is available on our website at
It is our policy that a majority of the members of our board of directors be independent of our management. For a director to be deemed independent, our board of directors must affirmatively determine that the director has no direct or indirect material relationship with us. To assist our board of directors in determining which of our directors qualify as independent for purposes of Nasdaq rules as well as applicable rules and regulations adopted by the SEC, the nominating and corporate governance committee of our board of directors follows the Corporate Governance Rules of The Nasdaq Stock Market on the criteria for director independence.
Our board of directors has determined that each of Robert R. Bennett, Brian M. Deevy, Donne F. Fisher, M. Ian G. Gilchrist, David E. Rapley, Larry E. Romrell and Andrea L. Wong qualifies as an independent director of our company. In making its determination with respect to Mr. Deevy, our board noted that he has been the head of RBC Capital Markets' Communications, Media & Entertainment Group and that RBC Capital Markets provides services to Sirius XM. The fees for these services are believed to be immaterial to RBC Capital Markets. Also, Mr. Deevy is no longer actively involved in that relationship. Based on this review, our board determined that Mr. Deevy is independent of our company.
As described above under "Proposals of Our BoardProposal 1The Election of Directors Proposal," our board is comprised of directors with a broad range of backgrounds and skill sets, including in media and telecommunications, science and technology, venture capital, investment banking, auditing and financial engineering. Our board is also chronologically diverse with our members' ages spanning four decades. For more information on our policies with respect to board candidates, see "Committees of the Board of DirectorsNominating and Corporate Governance Committee" below.
Our board has separated the positions of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer). John C. Malone, one of our largest stockholders, holds the position of Chairman of the Board, leads our board and board meetings and provides strategic guidance to our Chief Executive Officer. Gregory B. Maffei, our President, holds the position of Chief Executive Officer, leads our management team and is responsible for driving the performance of our company. We believe this division of responsibility effectively assists our board in fulfilling its duties.
The board as a whole has responsibility for risk oversight, with reviews of certain areas being conducted by the relevant board committees. Our audit committee oversees management of financial risks and risks relating to potential conflicts of interest. Our compensation committee oversees the management of risks relating to our compensation arrangements with senior officers. Our nominating and corporate governance committee oversees risks associated with the independence of the board. These committees then provide reports periodically to the full board. The oversight responsibility of the board and its committees is enabled by management reporting processes that are designed to provide visibility to the board about the identification, assessment and management of critical risks. These areas of focus include strategic, operational, financial and reporting, succession and compensation, legal and compliance, and other risks. Our management reporting processes include regular reports from our Chief Executive Officer, which are prepared with input from our senior management team, and also include input from our Internal Audit group.
Committees of the Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Our board of directors has established an executive committee, whose members are John C. Malone, Gregory B. Maffei and Robert R. Bennett. Except as specifically prohibited by the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, the executive committee may exercise all the powers and authority of our board of directors in the management of our business and affairs, including the power and authority to authorize the issuance of shares of our capital stock.
Compensation Committee
Our board of directors has established a compensation committee, whose chairman is M. Ian G. Gilchrist and whose other members are Donne F. Fisher, David E. Rapley and Andrea L. Wong. See "Director Independence" above.
The compensation committee reviews and approves corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation of our Chief Executive Officer and our other executive officers. The compensation committee also reviews and approves the compensation of all officers of our company at the level of senior vice president or above, including our Chief Executive Officer, and oversees the compensation of the chief executive officers of our non-public operating subsidiaries. For a description of our processes and policies for consideration and determination of executive compensation, including the role of our Chief Executive Officer and outside consultants in determining or recommending amounts and/or forms of compensation, see "Executive CompensationCompensation Discussion and Analysis."
Our board of directors has adopted a written charter for the compensation committee, which is available on our website at
Compensation Committee Report
The compensation committee has reviewed and discussed with our management the "Compensation Discussion and Analysis" included under "Executive Compensation" below. Based on such review and discussions, the compensation committee recommended to our board of directors that the "Compensation Discussion and Analysis" be included in this proxy statement.
Submitted by the Members of the Compensation Committee
M. Ian G. Gilchrist
Donne F. Fisher
David E. Rapley
Andrea L. Wong
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
No member of our compensation committee is or has been an officer or employee of our company, or has engaged in any related party transaction in which our company was a participant.
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
Our board of directors has established a nominating and corporate governance committee, whose chairman is David E. Rapley and whose other members are M. Ian G. Gilchrist, Larry E. Romrell and Andrea L. Wong. See "Director Independence" above.
The nominating and corporate governance committee identifies individuals qualified to become board members consistent with criteria established or approved by our board of directors from time to time, identifies director nominees for upcoming annual meetings, develops corporate governance guidelines applicable to our company and oversees the evaluation of our board and management.
The nominating and corporate governance committee will consider candidates for director recommended by any stockholder provided that such recommendations are properly submitted. Eligible stockholders wishing to recommend a candidate for nomination as a director should send the recommendation in writing to the Corporate Secretary, Liberty Media Corporation, 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112. Stockholder recommendations must be made in accordance with our bylaws, as discussed under "Stockholder Proposals" below, and contain the following information:
In connection with its evaluation, the nominating and corporate governance committee may request additional information from the proposing stockholder and the candidate. The nominating and corporate governance committee has sole discretion to decide which individuals to recommend for nomination as directors.
To be nominated to serve as a director, a nominee need not meet any specific minimum criteria. However, the nominating and corporate governance committee believes that nominees for director should possess the highest personal and professional ethics, integrity, values and judgment and should be committed to the long-term interests of our stockholders. When evaluating a potential director nominee, including one recommended by a stockholder, the nominating and corporate governance committee will take into account a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the following:
The nominating and corporate governance committee does not assign specific weights to particular criteria and no particular criterion is necessarily applicable to all prospective nominees. The nominating and corporate governance committee does not have a formal policy with respect to diversity; however, our board and the nominating and corporate governance committee believe that it is important that our board members represent diverse viewpoints.
When seeking candidates for director, the nominating and corporate governance committee may solicit suggestions from incumbent directors, management, stockholders and others. After conducting an initial evaluation of a prospective nominee, the nominating and corporate governance committee will interview that candidate if it believes the candidate might be suitable to be a director. The nominating and corporate governance committee may also ask the candidate to meet with management. If the nominating and corporate governance committee believes a candidate would be a valuable addition to our board of directors, it may recommend to the full board that candidate's nomination and election.
Based on the foregoing criteria, the members of the nominating and corporate governance committee in office recommended Mr. Deevy for nomination as a director of our board in April 2015.
Mr. Deevy was recommended following a discussion on the need to replace Donne Fisher's financial experience on our board in light of Mr. Fisher's decision not to stand for re-election at the 2015 annual meeting. The board desired to find a replacement nominee with financial and business development experience serving companies in our industry and John C. Malone, our Chairman of the Board, and Gregory B. Maffei, our President and Chief Executive Officer, recommended Mr. Deevy as a candidate. Mr. Deevy was appointed to our board following a vote of the board of directors and will stand for election this year.
Prior to nominating an incumbent director for re-election at an annual meeting of stockholders, the nominating and corporate governance committee will consider the director's past attendance at, and participation in, meetings of the board of directors and its committees and the director's formal and informal contributions to the various activities conducted by the board and the board committees of which such individual is a member.
The members of our nominating and corporate governance committee have determined that Mr. Deevy, Mr. Maffei and Ms. Wong, who are nominated for election at the annual meeting, are qualified to serve as directors of our company and such nomination was approved by the entire board of directors.
Our board of directors has adopted a written charter for the nominating and corporate governance committee. Our board of directors has also adopted corporate governance guidelines, which were developed by the nominating and corporate governance committee. The charter and the corporate governance guidelines are available on our website at
Audit Committee
Our board of directors has established an audit committee, whose current chairman is Donne F. Fisher and whose other members are M. Ian G. Gilchrist and Larry E. Romrell. See "Director Independence" above.
Our board of directors has determined that Mr. Gilchrist is an "audit committee financial expert" under applicable SEC rules and regulations. The audit committee reviews and monitors the corporate financial reporting and the internal and external audits of our company. The committee's functions include, among other things:
Our board of directors has adopted a written charter for the audit committee, which is available on our website at
Audit Committee Report
Each member of the audit committee is an independent director as determined by our board of directors, based on the listing standards of The Nasdaq Stock Market. Each member of the audit committee also satisfies the SEC's independence requirements for members of audit committees. Our board of directors has determined that Mr. Gilchrist is an "audit committee financial expert" under applicable SEC rules and regulations.
The audit committee reviews our financial reporting process on behalf of our board of directors. Management has primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining adequate internal controls, for preparing financial statements and for the public reporting process. Our independent auditor, KPMG LLP, is responsible for expressing opinions on the conformity of our audited consolidated financial statements with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Our independent auditor also expresses its opinion as to the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting.
Our audit committee has reviewed and discussed with management and KPMG LLP our most recent audited consolidated financial statements, as well as management's assessment of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting and KPMG LLP's evaluation of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting. Our audit committee has also discussed with KPMG LLP the matters required to be discussed by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Auditing Standard No. 16, Communications with Audit Committees, including that firm's judgment about the quality of our accounting principles, as applied in its financial reporting.
KPMG LLP has provided our audit committee with the written disclosures and the letter required by the applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding KPMG LLP's communications with the audit committee concerning independence, and the audit committee has discussed with KPMG LLP that firm's independence from the company and its subsidiaries.
Based on the reviews, discussions and other considerations referred to above, our audit committee recommended to our board of directors that the audited financial statements be included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, which was filed on February 26, 2015 with the SEC.
Submitted by the Members of the Audit Committee
Donne F. Fisher
M. Ian G. Gilchrist
Larry E. Romrell
Our board of directors, by resolution, may from time to time establish other committees of our board of directors, consisting of one or more of our directors. Any committee so established will have the powers delegated to it by resolution of our board of directors, subject to applicable law.
During 2014, there were nine meetings of our full board of directors, no meetings of our executive committee, thirteen meetings of our compensation committee, one meeting of our nominating and corporate governance committee and six meetings of our audit committee. All of our board members with the exception of Mr. Bennett attended at least 75% of his or her board and committee meetings in 2014.
Director Attendance at Annual Meetings
Our board of directors encourages all members of the board to attend each annual meeting of our stockholders. All of our board members then serving with the exception of Evan D. Malone attended our 2014 annual meeting of stockholders.
Stockholder Communication with Directors
Our stockholders may send communications to our board of directors or to individual directors by mail addressed to the Board of Directors or to an individual director c/o Liberty Media Corporation, 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112. All such communications from stockholders will be forwarded to our directors on a timely basis.
In 2014, the independent directors of our company, then serving, met at two executive sessions of the full board of directors, in each case, without management participation.
Any interested party who has a concern regarding any matter that it wishes to have addressed by our independent directors, as a group, at an upcoming executive session may send its concern in writing addressed to Independent Directors of Liberty Media Corporation, c/o Liberty Media Corporation, 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112. The current independent directors of our company are Robert R. Bennett, Donne F. Fisher, M. Ian G. Gilchrist, David E. Rapley, Larry E. Romrell and Andrea L. Wong.
This section sets forth information relating to, and an analysis and discussion of, compensation paid by our company to the following persons (who we collectively refer to as our named executive officers):
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Compensation Overview; Philosophy
The compensation committee of our board of directors has responsibility for establishing, implementing and regularly monitoring adherence to our compensation philosophy. That philosophy seeks to align the interests of the named executive officers with those of our stockholders, with the ultimate goal of appropriately motivating and rewarding our executives in an effort to increase stockholder value. To that end, the compensation packages provided to the named executive officers (other than Mr. Malone) include both cash and stock-based incentive compensation, with an emphasis placed on performance-based compensation.
The compensation committee seeks to approve a compensation package for each named executive officer that is commensurate with the responsibilities and proven performance of that executive and that is competitive relative to the compensation packages paid to similarly situated executives in other companies. The compensation committee does not engage in any regular benchmarking analysis; rather, it is familiar with the range of total compensation paid by other companies and uses this range as a guide to ensure that the named executive officers receive attractive compensation packages. The compensation committee believes that our compensation packages should assist our company in attracting and retaining key executives critical to our long-term success.
In the case of all our named executive officers (other than Mr. Malone), the compensation committee believes that performance-based bonuses and equity incentive awards should represent a substantial portion of each named executive officer's compensation package. At the 2012 annual stockholders meeting of our former parent company (Old LMC), stockholders representing 97.25% of the aggregate voting power of Old LMC present and entitled to vote on its say-on-pay proposal approved, on an advisory basis, Old LMC's executive compensation, as disclosed in its proxy statement for the 2012 annual meeting of stockholders. No material changes were implemented to our executive compensation program as a result of this vote. In connection with the LMC Spin-Off, we assumed the existing compensation packages applicable to each named executive officer, as well as the say-on-pay and say-on-frequency votes that were held at the Old LMC 2012 annual meeting.
Services Agreements
Liberty Interactive Corporation. In September 2011, our former parent company Old LMC was split-off (the Old LMC Split-Off) from its former parent company, Liberty Interactive. In January 2013, Old LMC completed the LMC Spin-Off. In connection with the Old LMC Split-Off, Old LMC entered into a services agreement with Liberty Interactive, which we assumed in the LMC Spin-Off (the LIC Services Agreement). Pursuant to the LIC Services Agreement, in 2014, Liberty Interactive compensated us for the portion of the salary and certain other compensation we paid to our employees, including the named executive officers, that was allocable to Liberty Interactive for time spent by each
such employee on matters related to that company. However, the 2014 performance-based bonuses earned by the named executive officers of our company and Liberty Interactive were paid directly by our company and Liberty Interactive, respectively, and no portion thereof was allocable under the services agreement. During 2014, the allocable percentages of time spent performing services for Liberty Interactive, on the one hand, and our company, on the other hand, were reviewed quarterly by our audit committee for appropriateness. The salaries and certain perquisite information included in the "Summary Compensation Table" below reflect the portion of the compensation paid by and allocable to Liberty Media and do not reflect the portion of the compensation allocable to Liberty Interactive and for which Liberty Interactive reimbursed Liberty Media under the LIC Services Agreement. During the year ended December 31, 2014, the weighted average percentage of each such named executive officer's time that was allocated to our company was: Mr. Malone34%; Mr. Maffei58%; Mr. Baer50%; Mr. Rosenthaler56%; and Mr. Shean52%.
Starz. In January 2013, we separated from Starz in the LMC Spin-Off. In connection with the LMC Spin-Off, we entered into a services agreement with Starz, pursuant to which Starz will compensate us for the portion of the salary and other cash compensation we pay to our employees, including our named executive officers (other than Mr. Maffei) for each applicable year, that is allocable to Starz for time spent by each such employee on matters related to that company. The services agreement provides that a portion of Mr. Maffei's base salary will be allocable to Starz for time spent on matters related to Starz and provides that none of Mr. Maffei's performance-based bonus will be allocable to Starz. For the year ended December 31, 2014, we allocated 10% of Mr. Maffei's base salary to Starz, and we were compensated accordingly under the services agreement.
Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings. In August 2014, Liberty Interactive spun off its subsidiary, Liberty TripAdvisor, which held (i) Liberty Interactive's former interest in TripAdvisor, Inc., (ii) Liberty Interactive's former wholly-owned subsidiary BuySeasons, Inc., (iii) corporate level cash and cash equivalents of approximately $50 million and approximately $400 million of indebtedness (the TripCo Spin-Off). In connection with the TripCo Spin-Off, Liberty Interactive requested that we enter into a services agreement with Liberty TripAdvisor, pursuant to which we will provide to Liberty TripAdvisor certain administrative and management services, and Liberty TripAdvisor will pay us a monthly management fee, the amount of which is subject to semi-annual review. For the year ended December 31, 2014, Liberty TripAdvisor paid us an aggregate management fee of $841,667.
Liberty Broadband Corporation. In November 2014, we spun off our subsidiary, Liberty Broadband, which held (i) our former interest in Charter Communications, Inc. (Charter), (ii) our former wholly-owned subsidiary TruePosition, Inc. (TruePosition), (iii) our former minority equity investment in Time Warner Cable, Inc. (Time Warner Cable), (iv) certain deferred tax liabilities, as well as liabilities related to the Time Warner Cable written call option and (v) initial indebtedness, pursuant to margin loans entered into prior to the completion of the spin-off (the Broadband Spin-Off). In connection with the Broadband Spin-Off, we entered into a services agreement with Liberty Broadband, pursuant to which we will provide to Liberty Broadband certain administrative and management services, and Liberty Broadband will pay us a monthly management fee, the amount of which is subject to semi-annual review. For the year ended December 31, 2014, Liberty Broadband accrued aggregate management fees of $334,049 payable to our company under the services agreement.
Role of Chief Executive Officer in Compensation Decisions
Recommendations with respect to our executive compensation are obtained from our Chief Executive Officer as to all elements of each other named executive officer's compensation package (other than Mr. Malone's). In taking these actions, our Chief Executive Officer evaluates the
performance and contributions of each such other named executive officer, given his respective areas of responsibility, and, in doing so, considers various qualitative factors such as:
Setting Executive Compensation
In making its compensation decision for each named executive officer (other than Mr. Malone), our compensation committee considers the following:
Companies in our and our subsidiaries' industries consist of media, telecommunications and entertainment companies, and include companies with which we may compete for executive talent and stockholder investment and also include companies in those industries that are similar to our company in size, geographic location or complexity of operations. In December 2014, our compensation committee approved a new five-year employment agreement with Mr. Maffei (the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement) and granted equity awards in connection with the execution of the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsGregory B. Maffei" below. Prior to entering into the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement, our compensation committee obtained information from Mercer (US) Inc. (Mercer) with respect to CEO compensation packages at the companies described above and discussed with Mercer alternative equity award structures.
When determining the compensation of our named executive officers other than Mr. Maffei and Mr. Malone in 2014, our compensation committee relied on prior assessments of the total compensation paid by companies that operate in the industries described above. Our compensation committee used this general industry knowledge as a guide to determine whether our named executive officers (other than Mr. Maffei and Mr. Malone) have competitive compensation packages.
With respect to all named executive officers (other than Mr. Malone), the compensation committee believes in weighing equity incentive compensation more heavily than cash compensation,
which is a practice that may not be consistently followed by other companies that operate in the same industry as our company. Mr. Malone's compensation is governed by the terms of his employment agreement with our company. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsJohn C. Malone."
Elements of 2014 Executive Compensation
For 2014 the principal components of compensation for the named executive officers (other than Mr. Malone) were:
Base Salary
The base salaries of the named executive officers are reviewed on an annual basis (other than Messrs. Malone and Maffei, whose salaries are governed by their respective employment agreements), as well as at the time of any change in responsibilities. Typically, after establishing a named executive officer's base salary, salary increases are limited to cost-of-living adjustments and adjustments based on an evaluation of a named executive officer's job performance, any changes in the scope of the named executive officer's responsibilities, and the named executive officer's salary level compared to other named executive officers. Our compensation committee believes base salary should be a relatively smaller portion of each named executive officer's overall compensation package, thereby aligning the interests of our executives more closely with those of our stockholders. Similarly, in accordance with the terms of his employment agreement, Mr. Malone's cash compensation is limited. After completion of the annual review described above in December 2013, the 2014 base salaries of Messrs. Baer, Rosenthaler and Shean were increased by 3%, reflecting a cost-of-living adjustment. Additionally, in February 2015, the base salaries for Messrs. Rosenthaler and Shean were further increased by 3% and 1%, respectively, to align the compensation of our company's Senior Vice Presidents more closely. In 2014, Mr. Maffei received the increase prescribed by his employment agreement. Mr. Malone received a nominal increase under the terms of his employment agreement.
2014 Performance-based Bonuses
For 2014, our compensation committee adopted an annual, performance-based bonus program for each of the named executive officers (other than Mr. Malone), which was structured to comply with Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). The 2014 bonus program was comprised of two components: a bonus amount payable based on each participant's individual performance (the Individual Performance Bonus) and a bonus amount payable based on the corporate performance of our company (the Corporate Performance Bonus). No amounts would be payable under our 2014 bonus program unless a minimum corporate performance was achieved: the combined Adjusted OIBDA of Sirius XM, TruePosition, the Atlanta National League Baseball Club, Inc. (ANLBC) and MacNeil Lehrer Productions, and a proportionate share of the equivalent measure of Adjusted OIBDA of Charter and Live Nation, for the year ended December 31, 2014 was required to exceed $500 million (the Threshold). If the Threshold was met, the notional bonus pool for our company would be funded with 1.25% of the amount by which such combined Adjusted OIBDA exceeded $500 million (the bonus pool). If the bonus pool was insufficient to cover the aggregate maximum bonus amounts of all
participants (as described in more detail below), each participant's maximum bonus amount would be reduced pro rata, for all purposes under the program, based upon his respective maximum bonus amount.
For purposes of the bonus program, Adjusted OIBDA is defined as revenue less cost of sales, operating expense and SG&A (excluding stock compensation). Sirius XM, Charter and Live Nation do not report Adjusted OIBDA information. As a result, we used the most similar non-GAAP measure reported by Sirius XM and Charter, Adjusted EBITDA. For a definition of Adjusted EBITDA as defined by Sirius XM, please see Sirius XM's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, filed on February 5, 2015, and for a definition of Adjusted EBITDA as defined by Charter, please see Charter's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, filed on February 24, 2015. In addition, we used Adjusted Operating Income to determine Live Nation's results. Adjusted Operating Income or AOI is a non-GAAP financial measure. For a definition of AOI as defined by Live Nation, please see Live Nation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, filed on February 26, 2015.
Each participant was assigned a maximum bonus amount, expressed as a multiple of his base salary (without giving effect to the allocation of such salary between our company and Liberty Interactive). The maximum bonus amounts were 400%, 200%, 150% and 150% for Messrs. Maffei, Baer, Rosenthaler and Shean, respectively (each participant's Ultimate Maximum Bonus), consistent with the percentages applied to our named executive officers with respect to our previous performance-based bonus programs. Although Liberty Interactive adopted a corollary performance-based bonus program for 2014 with the same maximum bonus amounts achievable by the overlapping named executive officers, our compensation committee and Liberty Interactive's compensation committee agreed that it was the intention of both committees that each overlapping named executive officer would not receive, in the aggregate from the two companies, more than his applicable Ultimate Maximum Bonus.
Assuming the Threshold was met (and after taking into account any reductions associated with a shortfall in the bonus pool), each participant was entitled to receive from our company an amount (the LMC Maximum Individual Bonus) equal to the LMC Allocable Time Percentage (as defined below) multiplied by 60% of his Ultimate Maximum Bonus (the Ultimate Maximum Individual Bonus), subject to reduction based on a subjective determination of the participant's achievement of qualitative criteria established with respect to the services to be performed by the participant on behalf of our company. The LMC Allocable Time Percentage for each participant is equal to the difference between 100% and the percentage of such participant's time that was spent performing services for Liberty Interactive under the LIC Services Agreement, as determined by our compensation committee for purposes of the payment of bonuses: 55% as to Mr. Maffei; 50% as to Mr. Baer; 53% as to Mr. Rosenthaler; and 48% as to Mr. Shean. Under Liberty Interactive's corollary program, each participant was entitled to receive from Liberty Interactive an amount (the LIC Maximum Individual Bonus) equal to the remaining portion of the Ultimate Maximum Individual Bonus, subject to reduction based on a subjective determination of the participant's achievement of qualitative criteria established with respect to the services to be performed by the participant on behalf of Liberty Interactive. Our compensation committee believes this construct was appropriate in light of the LIC Services Agreement and the fact that each participant splits his professional time and duties.
Also, assuming the Threshold was met (and after taking into account any reductions associated with a shortfall in the bonus pool), each participant was entitled to receive from our company an amount (the LMC Maximum Corporate Bonus) equal to the LMC Corporate Percentage (as defined below) multiplied by 40% of his Ultimate Maximum Bonus (the Ultimate Maximum Corporate Bonus), subject to reduction based on a subjective determination of the corporate performance of our company. The LMC Corporate Percentage was determined by reference to the historical relative market capitalizations of our company and Liberty Interactive. Under Liberty Interactive's corollary program, each participant was entitled to receive from Liberty Interactive an amount (the LIC Maximum
Corporate Bonus) equal to the remaining portion of the Ultimate Maximum Corporate Bonus, subject to reduction based on a subjective determination of the corporate performance of Liberty Interactive.
In December 2014, our compensation committee and the Liberty Interactive compensation committee collaborated in their review of our respective named executive officers' individual performance criteria and their review of each company's corporate performance metrics and ensured that the Ultimate Maximum Bonus payable to each overlapping named executive officer was not exceeded. Notwithstanding this collaborative effort, our compensation committee retained sole and exclusive discretion with respect to the approval of award terms and amounts payable under our bonus program.
Also, in December 2014, our compensation committee determined that the combined Adjusted OIBDA for Sirius XM, TruePosition, ANLBC, and MacNeil Lehrer Productions, and a proportionate share of the equivalent measure of Adjusted OIBDA of Charter and Live Nation, was approximately $2.38 billion using the formula described above, exceeding the Threshold by approximately $1.88 billion, thereby creating a notional bonus pool of approximately $23.5 million, which exceeded the amount necessary to cover the aggregate maximum bonus amounts of all the participants and enabling each participant to receive a bonus of up to his maximum bonus amount.
Individual Performance Bonus. Our compensation committee then reviewed the individual performance of each participant to determine the reductions that would apply to each participant's LMC Maximum Individual Bonus. The compensation committee took into account a variety of factors, without assigning a numerical weight to any single performance measure. This determination was based on reports of our board, the observations of committee members throughout the year, executive self-evaluations and, with respect to the participants other than Mr. Maffei, the observations and input of Mr. Maffei. In evaluating the performance of each of the participants for determining the reduction that would apply to the LMC Maximum Individual Bonus, our compensation committee considered the
various performance objectives related to our company which had been assigned to each participant for 2014, including:
Performance Objectives | |
Gregory B. Maffei | Develop strategic initiatives for Sirius XM |
Assist equity affiliates with strategic initiatives |
Support development and goals of management team |
Achieve company financial goals |
Richard N. Baer |
Provide sound and timely advice to senior management and board on key issues |
Provide effective legal support in connection with mergers, acquisitions, investments and other transactional matters |
Facilitate, along with other members of senior management team, sound approach to governance and compliance |
Provide legal support to, and assess and appropriately manage significant legal matters of, subsidiaries and controlled companies |
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
Continue legislative efforts |
Provide effective tax counsel and advice on strategic initiatives |
Obtain full or partial acceptance letter from IRS for 2013 Compliance Assurance Process |
Train and develop internal tax staff |
Christopher W. Shean |
Support corporate restructurings |
Actively participate in analysis of investment opportunities |
Assess and optimize functionality of financial reporting team |
Train and develop internal finance staff |
Following a review of the participants' performance, our compensation committee determined to pay each participant the following portion of his LMC Maximum Individual Bonus:
LMC Maximum Individual Bonus |
Percentage Payable |
Aggregate Dollar Amount |
Gregory B. Maffei |
$ | 2,406,703 | 87.5 | % | $ | 2,105,865 | ||||
Richard N. Baer |
$ | 458,865 | 81.3 | % | $ | 372,828 | ||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
$ | 381,600 | 87.5 | % | $ | 333,900 | ||||
Christopher W. Shean |
$ | 352,898 | 81.3 | % | $ | 286,729 |
Corporate Performance Bonus. Our compensation committee then made a subjective determination as to the reductions that would apply to each participant's LMC Maximum Corporate Bonus. In making this determination, our compensation committee reviewed forecasts of 2014 Adjusted OIBDA, revenue and free cash flow (as defined below) for Sirius XM, TruePosition, ANLBC and MacNeil Lehrer Productions, and a proportionate share of Charter and Live Nation, all of which forecasts were prepared in December 2014 and are set forth in the table below. Also set forth in the table below are the corresponding actual financial measures achieved for 2014, which were all slightly higher than our forecasted results for our company. In determining whether any reductions would be made to the LMC Maximum Corporate Bonus payable to each participant, our compensation committee weighted the corporate performance metrics as follows: 25% attributable to revenue growth, 50% attributable to Adjusted OIBDA growth and 25% attributable to growth in free cash flow.
(dollar amounts in millions) |
2014 Forecast |
2014 Actual |
Actual / Forecast |
Revenue(1) |
$ | 8,585.0 | $ | 8,625.7 | 100.5 | % | ||||
Adjusted OIBDA(1)(2) |
$ | 2,392.4 | $ | 2,426.4 | 101.4 | % | ||||
Free Cash Flow(1)(3) |
$ | 1,344.4 | $ | 1,357.9 | 101.0 | % |
Based on a review of these forecasts, our compensation committee determined that the growth metrics were achieved to the extent described below:
Growth Factor
Liberty Media Corporation | |
Revenue |
25% of a possible 25% | |
Adjusted OIBDA |
50% of a possible 50% | |
Free Cash Flow |
20% of a possible 25% |
Our compensation committee then used its subjective discretion to translate the achievement of these growth metrics into a percentage payable to each participant of his LMC Maximum Corporate Bonus, as follows:
LMC Maximum Corporate Bonus |
Percentage Payable |
Aggregate Dollar Amount |
Gregory B. Maffei |
$ | 1,312,747 | 94.75 | % | $ | 1,243,827 | ||||
Richard N. Baer |
$ | 305,910 | 94.75 | % | $ | 289,850 | ||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
$ | 216,000 | 94.75 | % | $ | 204,660 | ||||
Christopher W. Shean |
$ | 220,561 | 94.75 | % | $ | 208,981 |
Aggregate Results. The following table presents information concerning the aggregate 2014 performance-based bonus amounts payable to each named executive officer by our company (other than Mr. Malone), after giving effect to the determinations described above.
Individual Performance Bonus |
Corporate Performance Bonus |
Total Bonus |
Gregory B. Maffei |
$ | 2,105,865 | $ | 1,243,827 | $ | 3,349,692 | ||||
Richard N. Baer |
$ | 372,828 | $ | 289,850 | $ | 662,677 | ||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
$ | 333,900 | $ | 204,660 | $ | 538,560 | ||||
Christopher W. Shean |
$ | 286,729 | $ | 208,981 | $ | 495,711 |
Our compensation committee then noted that, when combined with the total 2014 performance-based bonus amounts paid by Liberty Interactive to the overlapping named executive officers, each of our named executive officers received the following portion of his respective Ultimate Maximum Bonus:
Ultimate Maximum Bonus |
Combined Percentage Paid |
Gregory B. Maffei |
$ | 7,293,040 | 83.9 | % | |||
Richard N. Baer |
$ | 1,699,500 | 80.1 | % | |||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
$ | 1,200,000 | 83.9 | % | |||
Christopher W. Shean |
$ | 1,225,340 | 80.1 | % |
For more information regarding these bonus awards, please see the "Grants of Plan-Based Awards" table below.
Equity Incentive Compensation
Consistent with our compensation philosophy, our compensation committee believes in aligning the interests of the named executive officers with those of our stockholders through awards of stock-based incentive compensation. This ensures that our executives have a continuing stake in our long-term success. Our compensation committee believes that stock-based compensation should be weighed more heavily than cash compensation in determining each named executive officer's overall compensation mix.
The Liberty Media Corporation 2013 Incentive Plan (Amended and Restated as of March 31, 2015) (the incentive plan) provides for the grant of a variety of incentive awards, including stock options, restricted shares, restricted stock units, stock appreciation rights and performance awards. Our compensation committee has a preference for grants of stock options and awards of restricted stock or restricted stock units (as compared with other types of available awards under the incentive plan) based on the belief that they better promote retention of key employees through the continuing, long-term nature of an equity investment. It is the policy of our compensation committee that stock options be awarded with an exercise price equal to fair market value on the date of grant, typically measured by reference to the closing price on the grant date.
Recently, our compensation committee (and, prior to the Old LMC Split-Off, the Liberty Interactive compensation committee) determined to make larger grants (equaling approximately four to five years' value of the annual grants made in years prior to 2009) that vest between four and five and three-quarters years after grant, rather than making annual grants over the same period. These multi-year grants provide for back-end weighted vesting and generally expire ten years after grant to encourage executives to remain with the company over the long-term and to better align their interests with those of the stockholders. In that regard, multi-year awards were granted to our named executive
officers prior to 2014, and, accordingly, no new equity incentive awards were granted to the named executive officers during the 2014 calendar year, other than the Term Options that were granted to Mr. Maffei in December 2014. Similar to the rationale pertaining to the multi-year awards previously granted to the named executive officers, the Term Options are intended to encourage Mr. Maffei to remain with the company over the long-term and are expected to more fully align Mr. Maffei's interests with those of the other stockholders. The Term Options vest one-half on the fourth anniversary of the grant date and one-half on the fifth anniversary of the grant date, which is consistent with the multi-year award approach supported by our compensation committee. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsGregory B. Maffei" for a description of the Term Options and performance equity awards provided under the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement.
Perquisites and Other Personal Benefits. The perquisites and other personal benefits available to our executives (that are not otherwise available to all of our salaried employees, such as matching contributions to the Liberty Media 401(k) Savings Plan and the payment of life insurance premiums) consist of:
Taxable income may be incurred by our executives in connection with their receipt of perquisites and personal benefits. Other than as contemplated by Mr. Malone's employment agreement, we have not provided gross-up payments to our executives in connection with any such taxable income incurred during the past three years.
Aircraft Usage. On occasion, and with the approval of our Chairman or Chief Executive Officer, executives may have family members and other guests accompany them on our corporate aircraft when traveling on business. Under the terms of the employment arrangements with our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, those individuals and their guests may use corporate aircraft for non-business purposes subject to specified limitations.
Pursuant to a February 2013 letter agreement between us and Mr. Maffei, Mr. Maffei is entitled to 120 hours per year of personal flight time through the first to occur of (i) the termination of his employment, subject to any continued right to use the corporate aircraft as described below or pursuant to the terms of his employment arrangement in effect at the time of the termination or (ii) the cessation of ownership or lease of corporate aircraft. The February 2013 letter agreement replaced in its entirety, on substantially the same terms, a letter agreement originally entered into by Mr. Maffei and Liberty Interactive that was assumed by Old LMC in the Old LMC Split-Off and later by Liberty Media in the LMC Spin-Off). Under Mr. Maffei's previous employment agreement, if Mr. Maffei's employment terminates due to disability, for good reason or without cause, Mr. Maffei will be entitled to continued use of the company's aircraft for 18 months after termination of his employment, with such period reduced to 12 months after termination of his employment under the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement. Mr. Maffei incurs taxable income, calculated in accordance with the Standard Industry Fare Level (SIFL) rates, for all personal use of our corporate aircraft. Flights where there are no passengers on company-owned aircraft are not charged against the 120 hours of personal flight time per year allotted to Mr. Maffei if the flight department determines that the use of a NetJets, Inc. supplied aircraft for a proposed personal flight would be disadvantageous to our company due to
(i) use of budgeted hours under the then current Liberty Media fractional ownership contract with NetJets, Inc. or (ii) higher flight cost as compared to the cost of using company owned aircraft.
The cost of Mr. Malone's personal use of our corporate aircraft, calculated in accordance with SIFL, counts toward his $1 million personal expense allowance (described above).
For disclosure purposes, we determine incremental cost using a method that takes into account:
Because the company's aircraft is used primarily for business travel, this methodology excludes fixed costs that do not change based on usage, such as salaries of pilots and crew, purchase or lease costs of aircraft and costs of maintenance and upkeep.
Pursuant to our aircraft time sharing agreements with Liberty Interactive, Starz, Liberty TripAdvisor and Liberty Broadband, each of these companies pays us for any costs, calculated in accordance with Part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, associated with Mr. Malone or Mr. Maffei using our corporate aircraft that are allocable to such company, except that allocations made to Starz, Liberty TripAdvisor or Liberty Broadband may only be made for corporate aircraft use relating to such company's business matters.
For purposes of determining an executive's taxable income, personal use of our aircraft is valued using a method based on SIFL rates, as published by the Treasury Department. The amount determined using the SIFL rates is typically lower than the amount determined using the incremental cost method. Under the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, the amount we may deduct for a purely personal flight is limited to the amount included in the taxable income of the executives who took the flight. Also, the deductibility of any non-business use will be limited by Section 162(m) of the Code to the extent that the named executive officer's compensation that is subject to that limitation exceeds $1 million. See "Deductibility of Executive Compensation" below.
Deferred Compensation
To help accommodate the tax and estate planning objectives of the named executive officers, as well as other executives with the title of Vice President and above, our board of directors assumed the previously established Liberty Media Corporation 2006 Deferred Compensation Plan (as amended and restated effective January 1, 2015) in connection with the LMC Spin-Off. Under that plan, participants may elect to defer up to 50% of the portion of their base salaries and their cash performance bonuses that are allocable to our company. Compensation deferred under the plan that otherwise would have been received in 2014 will earn interest income at the rate of 9% per annum, compounded quarterly, for the period of the deferral. Compensation deferred under the plan that otherwise would have been received on or after January 1, 2015 will earn interest income at the prime rate of interest (as determined in the Wall Street Journal as of the first business day of November of the year prior to each plan year) plus 3% per annum, compounded quarterly, for the period of the deferral. In the LMC Spin-Off, we assumed the plan and all outstanding obligations thereunder. Since the LMC Spin-Off, the named executive officers may not participate in the plan with respect to any portion of their cash performance bonuses paid by Liberty Interactive. In addition, Mr. Shean had a deferral election in place for his 2011 performance-based bonus, with respect to which Liberty Interactive will remain
responsible for the payment of such deferred amount and all deferred interest thereon going forward. For more information on this plan, see "Executive Compensation Arrangements2006 Deferred Compensation Plan" and the "Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans" table below.
We provide Mr. Malone with certain deferred compensation arrangements that were entered into by our predecessors and assumed by us in connection with the various restructurings that we have undergone. Beginning in February 2009, Mr. Malone began receiving accelerated payments under those deferred compensation arrangements. For more information on these arrangements, see "Executive Compensation ArrangementsJohn C. Malone" below.
Changes for 2015
2015 Maffei Employment Agreement. In December 2014, we entered into the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement pursuant to which Mr. Maffei has agreed to serve as our Chief Executive Officer and President for a five year period beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2019, with an annual base salary of $960,750, increasing annually by 5% of the prior year's base salary, and an annual target cash bonus equal to 250% of the applicable year's base salary. The 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement also provides Mr. Maffei with the opportunity to earn annual performance-based equity incentive awards during the employment term. As mentioned above, Mr. Maffei received a grant of multi-year Term Options in connection with the approval of the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement. For a description of the terms of this agreement and the related equity awards, please see "Executive Compensation ArrangementsGregory B. Maffei".
When structuring the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement, our compensation committee considered a number of factors including the amount and structure of CEO compensation packages provided by companies in our industry, companies of comparable size and complexity, and companies that may compete with our company for executive talent. The compensation committee also considered the strategic direction and goals of our company and considered how best to incent achievement of those objectives. To further align Mr. Maffei's interests with those of the other stockholders, the compensation committee structured the majority of the equity as performance-based equity with meaningful payout metrics determined annually. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsGregory B. Maffei" for a description of the Term Options and performance equity awards provided under the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement. This structure should provide flexibility to the compensation committee to incent achievement of strategic objectives that may change or evolve over the term of the agreement.
Other. As described above under "Equity Incentive Compensation," our compensation committee recently determined to grant larger multi-year incentive awards in lieu of annual awards. Accordingly, in March 2015, our compensation committee granted to each of Messrs. Shean and Rosenthaler (i) a multi-year stock option award to purchase 192,538 shares of LMCK that vests in equal increments on each of December 31, 2019 and 2020 and expires on the eighth anniversary of the grant date and (ii) a stock option award to purchase 118,100 shares of LMCK that vests in equal increments in each of March 2016, 2017 and 2018 and expires on the seventh anniversary of the grant date. Messrs. Shean and Rosenthaler had last received stock option awards in March 2010 which were multi-year awards. Those awards were intended to provide equity value for the period from 2011 to 2014. Mr. Shean and Mr. Rosenthaler are also eligible to receive annual performance-based restricted stock awards in an amount and with performance criteria to be determined by our compensation committee.
When structuring the 2015 awards, our compensation committee sought to align the structure of the compensation packages provided to Mr. Shean and Mr. Rosenthaler with the structure of Mr. Maffei's compensation package. The compensation committee also sought to align more closely the compensation of the senior vice presidents of the company. Similar to Mr. Maffei's equity awards, the
equity awards provided to Mr. Shean and Mr. Rosenthaler have a significant performance-based compensation component due to the inclusion of the annual performance-based restricted stock awards.
Deductibility of Executive Compensation
In developing the compensation packages for the named executive officers, the deductibility of executive compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code is considered. That provision prohibits the deduction of compensation of more than $1 million paid to certain executives, subject to certain exceptions. One exception is for performance-based compensation, including stock options granted by our predecessors under their incentive plans (and assumed by us to the extent applicable under the Liberty Media Corporation Transitional Stock Adjustment Plan) or to be granted under the incentive plan. Our compensation committee has not adopted a policy requiring all compensation to be deductible under Section 162(m) of the Code, in order to maintain flexibility in making compensation decisions. Portions of the compensation we pay to certain of the named executive officers may not be deductible due to the application of Section 162(m) of the Code.
Policy on Restatements
In those instances where we grant cash or equity-based incentive compensation, we include in the related agreement with the executive a right, in favor of our company, to require the executive to repay or return to the company any cash, stock or other incentive compensation (including proceeds from the disposition of shares received upon exercise of options or stock appreciation rights). That right will arise if (1) a material restatement of any of our financial statements is required and (2) in the reasonable judgment of our compensation committee, (A) such restatement is due to material noncompliance with any financial reporting requirement under applicable securities laws and (B) such noncompliance is a result of misconduct on the part of the executive. In determining the amount of such repayment or return, our compensation committee may take into account, among other factors it deems relevant, the extent to which the market value of the applicable series of our common stock was affected by the errors giving rise to the restatement. The cash, stock or other compensation that we may require the executive to repay or return must have been received by the executive during the 12-month period beginning on the date of the first public issuance or the filing with the SEC, whichever occurs earlier, of the financial statement requiring restatement. The compensation required to be repaid or returned will include (1) cash or company stock received by the executive (A) upon the exercise during that 12-month period of any stock appreciation right held by the executive or (B) upon the payment during that 12-month period of any incentive compensation, the value of which is determined by reference to the value of company stock, and (2) any proceeds received by the executive from the disposition during that 12-month period of company stock received by the executive upon the exercise, vesting or payment during that 12-month period of any award of equity-based incentive compensation.
Name and Principal Position (as of 12/31/14)
Year | Salary ($)(1) |
Bonus ($) |
Stock Awards ($) |
Option Awards ($)(2)(3) |
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation ($) |
Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings ($)(4) |
All Other Compensation ($) (5)(6)(7) |
Total($) | ||||||||||||||||
John C. Malone |
2014 | 1,326 | | | | | 246,409 | 485,716 | (8) | 733,451 | |||||||||||||||
Chairman of the Board |
2013 | 884 | | | | | 252,176 | 539,176 | (8) | 792,236 | |||||||||||||||
2012 | 1,300 | | | | | 257,336 | 548,730 | (8) | 807,366 | |||||||||||||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
2014 |
1,057,491 |
36,668,946 |
3,349,692 |
52,641 |
306,652 |
(9)(10) |
41,435,422 |
President and Chief Executive |
2013 | 868,219 | | | | 2,413,619 | 9,366 | 277,561 | (9)(10) | 3,568,765 | |||||||||||||||
Officer |
2012 | 875,109 | | | 53,894,196 | 2,223,467 | | 252,323 | (9)(10) | 57,245,095 | |||||||||||||||
Richard N. Baer |
2014 |
424,875 |
662,677 |
15,451 |
1,103,003 |
Senior Vice President and General Counsel |
2013 | 419,100 | | | | 746,625 | | 2,549 | 1,168,274 | ||||||||||||||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
2014 |
440,928 |
538,560 |
17,305 |
996,794 |
Senior Vice President |
2013 | 397,761 | | | | 494,893 | | 15,748 | 908,403 | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | 413,760 | | | 3,390,158 | 372,901 | | 16,573 | 4,193,392 | ||||||||||||||||
Christopher W. Shean |
2014 |
424,784 |
495,711 |
17,295 |
20,449 |
(10)(11) |
958,240 |
Senior Vice President and |
2013 | 396,550 | | | | 368,792 | 17,499 | 13,605 | 796,446 | ||||||||||||||||
Chief Financial Officer |
2012 | 385,000 | | | 3,390,158 | 338,415 | 15,870 | 13,355 | 4,142,798 |
Amounts ($) | |||||||||
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | |||||||
John C. Malone |
3,082 | 3,082 | 4,532 | |||||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
1,521 | 1,311 | 1,387 | |||||||
Richard N. Baer |
2,451 | 2,549 | | |||||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
2,745 | 1,468 | 1,573 | |||||||
Christopher W. Shean |
889 | 855 | 855 |
Generally, participants acquire a vested right in our matching contributions as follows:
Years of Service
Vesting Percentage | |||
Less than 1 |
0 | % | ||
1-2 |
33 | % | ||
2-3 |
66 | % | ||
3 or more |
100 | % |
Included in this column, with respect to each named executive officer are the following matching contributions made by our company to the Liberty Media 401(k) Savings Plan in 2014 and 2013:
Amounts ($) | ||||||
2014 | 2013 | |||||
John C. Malone |
8,840 | 8,670 | |||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
15,080 | 12,750 | |||||
Richard N. Baer |
13,000 | | |||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
14,560 | 14,280 | |||||
Christopher W. Shean |
13,520 | 12,750 |
With respect to these matching contributions, Mr. Baer is 66% vested and our other named executive officers are fully vested.
Amounts ($) | |||||||||
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | |||||||
Reimbursement for personal legal, accounting and tax services |
63,185 | 124,954 | 193,061 | |||||||
Compensation related to personal use of corporate aircraft(a) |
199,949 | 255,455 | 92,794 | |||||||
Tax payments made on behalf of Mr. Malone |
205,724 | 143,833 | 236,243 |
Also includes miscellaneous personal expenses, such as courier charges.
Amounts ($) | |||||||||
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | |||||||
Compensation related to personal use of corporate aircraft(a) |
288,311 | 262,750 | 235,590 |
Executive Compensation Arrangements
John C. Malone
In connection with the merger of TCI and AT&T in 1999, an employment agreement between John C. Malone and TCI was assigned to a predecessor of Liberty Interactive. Mr. Malone's employment agreement and his deferred compensation arrangements, as described below, were assigned to Old LMC in connection with the Old LMC Split-Off and later to our company in connection with the LMC Spin-Off. The term of Mr. Malone's employment agreement is extended daily so that the remainder of the employment term is five years. The employment agreement was amended in June 1999 to provide for, among other things, an annual salary of $2,600 (which was increased to $3,900 for 2014), subject to increase with board approval. The employment agreement was amended in 2003 to provide for payment or reimbursement of personal expenses, including professional fees and other expenses incurred by Mr. Malone for estate, tax planning and other services, and for personal use of corporate aircraft and flight crew. The aggregate amount of such payments or reimbursements and
the value of his personal use of corporate aircraft was originally limited to $500,000 per year but increased to $1 million effective January 1, 2007 by the Liberty Interactive compensation committee. Although the "Summary Compensation Table" table above reflects the portion of the aggregate incremental cost of Mr. Malone's personal use of our corporate aircraft attributable to our company, the value of his aircraft use for purposes of his employment agreement is determined in accordance with SIFL, which aggregated $180,768 for use of the aircraft by our company and Liberty Interactive during the year ended December 31, 2014. Liberty Interactive is allocated, and reimburses us for, portions of the other components of the payments/reimbursements to Mr. Malone described above.
In December 2008, the Liberty Interactive compensation committee determined to modify Mr. Malone's employment arrangements to permit Mr. Malone to begin receiving fixed monthly payments in 2009, in advance of a termination event, in satisfaction of its obligations to him under a 1993 deferred compensation arrangement, a 1982 deferred compensation arrangement and an installment severance plan, in each case, entered into with him by Liberty Interactive's predecessors (and which had been assumed by Liberty Interactive). At the time of the amendment, the amounts owed to Mr. Malone under these arrangements aggregated approximately $2.4 million, $20 million and $39 million, respectively. As a result of these modifications, Mr. Malone receives 240 equal monthly installments, which commenced February 2009, of: (1) approximately $20,000 under the 1993 deferred compensation arrangement, (2) approximately $237,000 under the 1982 deferred compensation arrangement and (3) approximately $164,000 under the installment severance plan. Interest ceased to accrue under the installment severance plan once these payments began; however, interest continues to accrue on the 1993 deferred compensation arrangement at a rate of 8% per annum and on the 1982 deferred compensation arrangement at a rate of 13% per annum. In connection with the LMC Spin-Off, we assumed these payment obligations from Old LMC, who had in turn assumed them from Liberty Interactive in the Old LMC Split-Off.
Under the terms of Mr. Malone's employment agreement, he is entitled to receive upon the termination of his employment at our election for any reason (other than for death or "cause"), a lump sum equal to his salary for a period of five full years following termination (calculated on the basis of $3,900 per annum, the lump sum severance payment). As described above, in connection with the LMC Spin-Off, we assumed Mr. Malone's employment agreement and all outstanding obligations thereunder from Old LMC (which were previously assumed by Old LMC in the Old LMC Split-Off), and Liberty Interactive will reimburse us for its allocated portion of any such lump sum severance payments made thereunder.
For a description of the effect of any termination event or a change in control of our company on his employment agreement, see "Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change-in-Control" below.
Gregory B. Maffei
December 2009 Employment Arrangement. On December 17, 2009, the compensation committee of Liberty Interactive approved in principle a new compensation arrangement in favor of Mr. Maffei providing, among other things, for a five year employment term beginning January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2014, with an annual base salary of $1.5 million, increasing annually by 5% of the prior year's base salary, and an annual target cash bonus equal to 200% of the applicable year's annual base salary. On May 17, 2010, Liberty Interactive entered into a definitive employment agreement with Mr. Maffei, memorializing the compensation arrangement that was approved in principle by the Liberty Interactive compensation committee on December 17, 2009. The employment agreement also included terms related to Liberty Interactive equity awards held by Mr. Maffei, including the multi-year award of options that was granted to him on December 17, 2009.
Prior to our assumption of Mr. Maffei's employment agreement in connection with the LMC Spin-Off, Old LMC assumed Mr. Maffei's 2009 employment agreement in connection with the Old
LMC Split-Off and in February 2012 the agreement was amended and restated effective as of September 23, 2011 to reflect the change in employer and to specify the equity awards covered by the agreement following the Old LMC Split-Off, which included Mr. Maffei's December 17, 2009 grant of options (as relates to our common stock, the Multi-Year Awards). Mr. Maffei's Multi-Year Awards had been adjusted in connection with various transactions and events, beginning with the Old LMC Split-Off and most recently a rights offering conducted by Liberty Broadband. The Multi-Year Awards were fully vested as of December 17, 2014 and, prior to such date, had been subject to the early vesting events described below. The options have a term of ten years.
The amended and restated agreement provides that, in the event Mr. Maffei had been terminated for cause (as defined in the agreement) he would have been entitled only to his accrued base salary, unpaid expenses and any amounts due under applicable law, and he would have forfeited all rights to his unvested restricted shares and unvested options. If Mr. Maffei had terminated his employment without good reason (as defined in the agreement), he would have been entitled only to his accrued base salary, accrued but unpaid bonus for the prior year, unpaid expenses and any amounts due under applicable law (Standard Payments), and he would have forfeited all rights to his unvested restricted shares and unvested options. However, in both cases, his vested, unexercised options and similar rights as of his termination date would have remained exercisable either (1) for 90 days after his termination or until the original expiration date of the applicable award, if sooner, or (2) if any such termination of his employment occurs following December 31, 2014 or following a change in control of Liberty Media (as defined in the agreement), until the original expiration date of the applicable award. If Mr. Maffei had been terminated by Liberty Media without cause or if he had terminated his employment for good reason, the agreement provides that: (i) he would have received the Standard Payments and a severance payment of $7.8 million and that his unvested restricted shares and unvested options and similar rights (including his Multi-Year Awards) would have vested pro rata based on the portion of the term elapsed through the termination date plus 18 months and (ii) all of his vested and accelerated options and similar rights would have remained exercisable until their respective expiration dates; provided, that if Mr. Maffei had continued to be employed by Liberty Interactive following such a termination from Liberty Media, without cause or for good reason, he could have elected to have certain of his unvested equity awards continue to vest in accordance with the terms of the agreement based on his continued service with Liberty Interactive. If a termination without cause or for good reason had occurred within 90 days before or 210 days after members of the Malone Group (as defined in the agreement) ceased to meet certain ownership requirements with respect to Liberty Media as described in the agreement, then Mr. Maffei's unvested restricted shares and unvested options and similar rights granted by Liberty Media would instead have vested in full and would have remained exercisable until their respective expiration dates. In the case of Mr. Maffei's death or his disability, the agreement provides that he would have had the right to receive the Standard Payments and a severance payment of $7.8 million, for his unvested restricted shares and unvested options and similar rights to have vested in full and for his vested and accelerated options and similar rights to have remained exercisable until their respective expiration dates. Further, in the event of certain change in control transactions, including spin-off or split-off transactions which exceed a specified threshold of Liberty Media's consolidated assets, Mr. Maffei's unvested restricted shares and unvested options and similar rights would have vested in full unless Mr. Maffei was named the Chief Executive Officer of the spin-off or split-off entity and his equity awards were adjusted in the transaction in such a manner as to preserve the intrinsic value thereof. In addition, if Mr. Maffei had been terminated without cause or due to disability, or if he had terminated his employment for good reason, Mr. Maffei would have been entitled to continuation of certain perquisites for 18 months, including use of our corporate aircraft.
Also pursuant to the amended and restated employment agreement, Mr. Maffei would have been entitled to customary benefits and perquisites provided to senior executive officers of Liberty Media and would have been entitled through the term of his amended and restated employment agreement (and in certain instances described above, for a period of 18 months after the end of his employment)
to use of our corporate aircraft as provided in the February 2013 letter agreement. See "Aircraft Usage" below. The amended and restated employment agreement further provides that it was intended to meet the requirements of Section 409A of the Code and provides for certain reimbursements to Mr. Maffei in the event the agreement had not so complied. The agreement also contains customary provisions pertaining to confidentiality and limitations on outside activities.
As described above, in connection with the Old LMC Split-Off and subsequently the LMC Spin-Off, Old LMC and later our company assumed Mr. Maffei's employment agreement and all outstanding obligations thereunder (other than with respect to Liberty Interactive equity awards, which are now governed by a separate agreement between Mr. Maffei and Liberty Interactive). As a result, Liberty Interactive reimburses us for its allocated portion under the LIC Services Agreement of customary benefits and perquisites to which Mr. Maffei is entitled pursuant to his employment agreement. Liberty Interactive will also reimburse us for its allocated portion of Mr. Maffei's $7.8 million severance payment in the event of his termination as described above.
December 2014 Employment Arrangement. On December 24, 2014, our compensation committee approved a new compensation arrangement with Mr. Maffei. The arrangement provides for a five year employment term beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2019, with an annual base salary of $960,750, increasing annually by 5% of the prior year's base salary, and an annual target cash bonus equal to 250% of the applicable year's base salary. The arrangement also provides Mr. Maffei with the opportunity to earn annual performance-based equity incentive awards during the employment term, as described in more detail below. In connection with the approval of his compensation arrangement, Mr. Maffei was granted the Term Options described below. Mr. Maffei's compensation arrangement was memorialized in the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement.
The arrangement provides that, in the event Mr. Maffei is terminated for "cause" (as defined in the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement) he will be entitled to only his accrued base salary and any amounts due under applicable law. If Mr. Maffei is terminated by Liberty Media without cause or if Mr. Maffei terminates his employment for good reason (as defined in the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement), he is entitled to (i) his accrued base salary, (ii) his accrued but unpaid bonus and any amounts due under applicable law (the Standard Entitlements), (iii) a severance payment of 1.5 times his base salary during the year of his termination to be paid in equal installments over 18 months, (iv) a payment equal to $11,750,000 pro rated based upon the elapsed number of days in the calendar year of termination (including the date of termination), with (subject to certain exceptions) up to 25% of such amount payable in shares of LMCK, at our discretion and with the remainder of such amount paid in cash (the Pro Rated Amount), (v) a payment equal to $17,500,000, with (subject to certain exceptions) up to 25% of such amount payable in shares of LMCK at our discretion and with the remainder of such amount paid in cash (the Un-Pro Rated Amount), and (vi) continued use of certain services and perquisites provided by our company, including continued use of our aircraft (the Services). If Mr. Maffei terminates his employment without "good reason" (as defined in the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement), he will be entitled to the Standard Entitlements and a payment of the Pro Rated Amount. Lastly, in the case of Mr. Maffei's death or disability, he is entitled to the Standard Entitlements, a payment of 1.5 times his base salary during the year of his termination, payments of the Pro Rated Amount and the Un-Pro Rated Amount, and, only in the case of his termination for disability, the Services.
Term Options. Also on December 24, 2014, Mr. Maffei received the Term Options, which have an exercise price of $34.04 per share. One-half of the Term Options will vest on the fourth anniversary of the grant date with the remaining Term Options vesting on the fifth anniversary of the grant date, in each case, subject to Mr. Maffei being employed on the applicable vesting date. The Term Options have a term of seven years.
Upon a change in control (as defined in the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement) prior to Mr. Maffei's termination or in the event of Mr. Maffei's termination for death or disability, all of his unvested Term Options will become exercisable. If Mr. Maffei is terminated for cause, all of his unvested Term Options will terminate immediately. If Mr. Maffei is terminated by our company without cause or if he terminates his employment for good reason (as defined in the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement), then each unvested tranche of Term Options will vest pro rata based on the number of days elapsed in the vesting period for such tranche since the grant date plus 548 calendar days; however, in the event (i) all members of the "Malone Group" (as defined in the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement) cease to beneficially own our company's securities representing at least 20% of our company's voting power, (ii) within 90 to 210 days of clause (i) Mr. Maffei's employment is terminated by our company without cause or by Mr. Maffei for good reason and (iii) at the time of clause (i) Mr. Maffei does not beneficially own our company's securities representing at least 20% of our company's voting power, then all unvested Term Options will vest in full as of the date of Mr. Maffei's termination. If Mr. Maffei terminates his employment without good reason, then a portion of each unvested tranche of Term Options will vest pro rata based on the number of days elapsed in the vesting period for such tranche since the grant date. In the event of a change in control prior to Mr. Maffei's termination, all of the Term Options will remain exercisable until the end of the term. If Mr. Maffei is terminated for cause prior to December 31, 2019 (without a prior change in control occurring), then all vested Term Options will expire on the 90th day following such termination. If Mr. Maffei's employment is terminated by our company or by Mr. Maffei for any other reason prior to December 31, 2019 or if Mr. Maffei has not been terminated prior to December 31, 2019, all vested Term Options will expire at the end of the term.
Annual Performance-Based Awards. Beginning in 2015, Mr. Maffei will receive annual grants of performance-based options to purchase shares of LMCK with a term of seven years (the Performance Options) and performance-based restricted stock units with respect to LMCK (the Performance RSUs and together with the Performance Options, the Performance Awards). Grants of Performance Awards made by our company and grants of similar performance-based awards made by Liberty Interactive (with whom Mr. Maffei has executed a substantially similar employment agreement on December 29, 2014) will be allocated between the two companies based on the relative market capitalization of all series of our common stock, on the one hand, and all series of Liberty Interactive common stock, on the other hand, or on such other basis as the parties may agree. The aggregate target amount to be allocated between our company and Liberty Interactive will be $16 million with respect to calendar year 2015, $17 million with respect to calendar year 2016, $18 million with respect to calendar year 2017, $19 million with respect to calendar year 2018 and $20 million with respect to calendar year 2019. In the first quarter of each applicable year, our compensation committee will establish performance metrics with respect to a grant of Performance Awards with a maximum aggregate value of 100% of the aggregate target amount allocated to our company for that year (the Target Awards). The compensation committee has retained the sole discretion to establish metrics which will allow it to exercise negative discretion to reduce the amount by which the Target Award will become exercisable on the Determination Date (as defined below) and/or metrics which, if met, would not allow it to exercise negative discretion, in each case, as will be more particularly described in the applicable award agreement. Mr. Maffei is also eligible to receive an additional grant of Performance Awards, with respect to any such grant year, with a value up to 50% of the aggregate target amount allocated to our company for the relevant year, in the sole discretion of the compensation committee (the Above Target Awards). The compensation committee, may in its sole discretion, determine to establish additional performance metrics with respect to such Above Target Awards. While the compensation committee retains discretion in setting the final performance metrics, Mr. Maffei has the right to provide input on the performance metrics set by the compensation committee.
Mr. Maffei will elect what percentage of the Target Awards and any Above Target Awards will be issued as Performance Options and Performance RSUs prior to their grant (in the case of the Target
Awards) and prior to the end of the year to which the Performance Awards relate (in the case of the Above Target Awards), although he cannot elect to have more than 80% of the aggregate target amount allocated to our company for that year issued in the form of one type of award. Should Mr. Maffei not specify an allocation with respect to the Target Awards, they will be allocated 50/50 between Performance Options and Performance RSUs. In the event Mr. Maffei does not specify an allocation with respect to the Above Target Awards, the allocation will be made in the same proportion as the Target Awards. Prior to March 15 of the year following the relevant grant year (the Determination Date), the compensation committee will determine (i) the number of vested Performance Awards with respect to the Target Awards and (ii) whether any Performance Awards should be granted with respect to Above Target Awards (which, if granted, would vest immediately upon grant). Any Performance Awards with respect to the Target Awards that do not become exercisable as of the Determination Date will terminate.
Upon Mr. Maffei's termination for any reason, his unvested Performance Awards (including any dividend equivalents related to any unvested Performance RSUs) will terminate at the close of business on the day of the separation, except that, if Mr. Maffei remains employed through the end of the relevant grant year but his termination occurs prior to the Determination Date with respect to the Performance Awards relating to such grant year, such Performance Awards will remain outstanding until the Determination Date and become exercisable to the extent determined by the compensation committee (and Mr. Maffei will be eligible to receive a grant of any Above Target Awards relating to such grant year, in the sole discretion of the compensation committee). Upon a change in control prior to Mr. Maffei's termination, all vested Performance Options (and any Performance Options that vest after such change in control) will terminate at the expiration of the original term. If Mr. Maffei is terminated by our company for cause (without a prior change in control) prior to December 31, 2019, all vested Performance Options will terminate at the close of business on the 90th day following the termination. In all other events of termination or if Mr. Maffei has not been terminated prior to December 31, 2019, all vested Performance Options will terminate at the expiration of the original term.
Aircraft Usage. We are party to a February 2013 letter agreement with Mr. Maffei (which replaced the 2008 letter agreement that was assumed by Old LMC in the Old LMC Split-Off and later by Liberty Media in the LMC Spin-Off), pursuant to which he is entitled to personal use of corporate aircraft not to exceed 120 hours of flight time per year through the first to occur of (i) the termination of his employment, subject to any continued right to use the corporate aircraft as described below or pursuant to the terms of his employment arrangement in effect at the time of the termination or (ii) the cessation of ownership or lease of corporate aircraft. Mr. Maffei will continue to incur taxable income, calculated in accordance with SIFL, for all personal use of our corporate aircraft. Pursuant to our aircraft time sharing agreements with Liberty Interactive, Starz, Liberty TripAdvisor and Liberty Broadband, Liberty Interactive, Starz, Liberty TripAdvisor and Liberty Broadband pay us for any costs, calculated in accordance with Part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, associated with Mr. Maffei using our corporate aircraft that are allocable to Liberty Interactive, Starz, Liberty TripAdvisor or Liberty Broadband, as the case may be. Starz, Liberty TripAdvisor and Liberty Broadband reimburse us only for Mr. Maffei's use of our corporate aircraft for Starz, Liberty TripAdvisor or Liberty Broadband business, as the case may be. Flights where there are no passengers on company-owned aircraft are not charged against the 120 hours of personal flight time per year allotted to Mr. Maffei if the flight department determines that the use of a NetJets, Inc. supplied aircraft for a proposed personal flight would be disadvantageous to our company due to (i) use of budgeted hours under the then current Liberty Media fractional ownership contract with NetJets, Inc. or (ii) higher flight cost as compared to the cost of using company owned aircraft.
Richard N. Baer
Employment Agreement. On November 7, 2012, Old LMC entered into an executive employment agreement (the employment agreement), effective October 31, 2012, with Richard Baer. Mr. Baer served as an independent contractor providing consulting services to Old LMC and Liberty Interactive from October 31, 2012 until the start of his employment as Senior Vice President and General Counsel with the companies on January 1, 2013. The employment agreement was assigned to Liberty Media in connection with the LMC Spin-Off. The agreement provides for, among other things, a four year term ending on December 31, 2016, with an annual base salary of $825,000, subject to adjustments at Liberty Media's discretion, and an annual discretionary bonus beginning in the calendar year 2013. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, Mr. Baer's target bonus for each year is 100% of his annual base salary for that year, and in no event will his bonus for any year be greater than two times his annual base salary. Mr. Baer is also entitled to certain benefits and perquisites available to Liberty Media's senior executives. Pursuant to the agreement, on November 8, 2012, as part of the consideration for his services under the employment agreement, Mr. Baer was granted a combination of options and restricted shares. One-half of these options vest on December 31, 2015, with the remaining options vesting on December 31, 2016, and one-half of these restricted shares vest on each of December 15, 2015 and December 15, 2016, in each case, subject to Mr. Baer being employed by our company on the applicable vesting date and to the early vesting events described below. The options have a term of ten years. The other terms and conditions of Mr. Baer's options and restricted shares, including acceleration and extended exercisability in connection with certain terminations of employment, are described in the applicable award agreements.
The agreement provides that, in the event Mr. Baer is terminated for cause (as defined in the employment agreement), he will be entitled to his accrued but unpaid base salary through the date of termination and any unpaid expenses. If, however, Mr. Baer terminates his employment for good reason (as defined in the employment agreement) or if his employment is terminated without cause (as defined in the employment agreement), then he is entitled to receive his accrued but unpaid base salary, any unpaid expenses, any accrued but unpaid bonus from the prior year and a severance payment of two times his annual base salary at the time of termination. If Mr. Baer terminates his employment without good reason (as defined in the employment agreement) or for any reason, he is entitled to receive any accrued but unpaid base salary, any accrued but unpaid bonus from the prior year and any unpaid expenses. In the case of Mr. Baer's death or disability (as defined in the employment agreement), the employment agreement provides for the right for his estate or him, as applicable, to receive any accrued but unpaid base salary, any unpaid expenses, any accrued but unpaid bonus from the prior year and a severance payment of two times his annual base salary at the time of death or disability (as defined in the employment agreement). As a condition to Mr. Baer's receipt of any severance payments as a result of his termination, as well as any acceleration of vesting or extension of exercise periods described in the grant agreements for the equity grants, Mr. Baer must execute a severance agreement and release in favor of Liberty Media in accordance with the procedures set forth in the employment agreement.
Although not a party to Mr. Baer's employment agreement, Liberty Interactive is obligated to reimburse Liberty Media for its allocable portion of any payments made to Mr. Baer thereunder (other than payments relating to equity awards which are directly settled with the applicable issuer) pursuant to the LIC Services Agreement.
Equity Incentive Plans
The incentive plan is administered by the compensation committee of our board of directors. The compensation committee has full power and authority to grant eligible persons the awards described below and to determine the terms and conditions under which any awards are made. The incentive plan is designed to provide additional remuneration to certain employees and independent contractors for
exceptional service and to encourage their investment in our company. Our compensation committee may grant non-qualified stock options, SARs, restricted shares, restricted stock units, cash awards, performance awards or any combination of the foregoing under the incentive plan (collectively, awards).
As of March 31, 2015, the maximum number of shares of our common stock with respect to which awards may be issued under the incentive plan is 74,940,000, subject to anti-dilution and other adjustment provisions of the incentive plan. With limited exceptions, under the incentive plan, no person may be granted in any calendar year awards covering more than 24,000,000 shares of our common stock (subject to anti-dilution and other adjustment provisions of the incentive plan) nor may any person receive under the incentive plan payment for cash awards during any calendar year in excess of $10 million. Shares of our common stock issuable pursuant to awards made under the incentive plan are made available from either authorized but unissued shares or shares that have been issued but reacquired by our company. The incentive plan has a five year term.
In connection with the LMC Spin-Off, our company's board of directors adopted the Liberty Media Corporation Transitional Stock Adjustment Plan (the TSAP, and together with the incentive plan, the existing incentive plans). The TSAP governs the terms and conditions of equity incentive awards with respect to our common stock issued in connection with adjustments made to equity incentive awards relating to Old LMC's common stock that were granted prior to the LMC Spin-Off. No further grants are permitted under the TSAP.
2006 Deferred Compensation Plan
Our company maintains the Liberty Media Corporation 2006 Deferred Compensation Plan (as amended and restated, the 2006 deferred compensation plan), under which officers at the level of Vice President and above are eligible to elect to defer up to 50% of such officer's annual base salary and cash performance bonus. These deferral elections must be made in advance of certain deadlines and may include (1) the selection of a payment date, which generally may not be later than 30 years from the end of the year in which the applicable compensation is initially deferred, and (2) the form of distribution, such as a lump-sum payment or substantially equal annual installments over two to five years.
In addition to the accelerated distribution events described under "Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change-in-Control" below, at the eligible officer's request, if the compensation committee determines that such officer has suffered a financial hardship, it may authorize immediate distribution of amounts deferred under the 2006 deferred compensation plan.
The 2006 deferred compensation plan was amended effective January 1, 2015, to reflect the following changes: (A) compensation deferred under the 2006 deferred compensation plan prior to January 1, 2015 will earn interest at the rate of 9% per year, compounded quarterly at the end of each calendar quarter. For amounts deferred on or after January 1, 2015, those amounts will earn interest at a rate equal to the prime rate of interest (as determined by reference to the Wall Street Journal) plus 3%; and (B) the compensation committee has the authority to change this interest rate for future deferrals at any time.
Our board of directors reserves the right to terminate the 2006 deferred compensation plan at any time. An optional termination by our board of directors will not result in any distribution acceleration.
The following table contains information regarding plan-based incentive awards granted during the year ended December 31, 2014 to the named executive officers (other than Mr. Malone, who did not receive any grants).
Estimated Future Payouts under Non-equity Incentive Plan Awards |
All Other Option Awards: Number of Securities Underlying Options (#) |
Grant Date Fair Value of Stock and Option Awards ($) |
Exercise or Base Price of Option Awards ($/Sh) |
Grant Date | Threshold ($)(1) |
Target ($)(1) |
Maximum ($)(2) |
Gregory B. Maffei |
2/27/2014 | (3) | | | 7,293,040 | | | | ||||||||||||||
12/24/2014 | | | | 3,298,724 | (4) | 34.04 | 36,668,946 | ||||||||||||||
Richard N. Baer |
2/27/2014 |
(3) |
1,699,500 |
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
2/27/2014 |
(3) |
1,200,000 |
Christopher W. Shean |
2/27/2014 |
(3) |
1,225,340 |
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table contains information regarding unexercised options and unvested shares of our common stock which were outstanding as of December 31, 2014 and held by the named executive
officers (with the exception of John C. Malone, who had no outstanding equity awards as of December 31, 2014).
Option awards | Stock awards | |||||||||||||||||
Number of securities underlying unexercised options (#) Exercisable(1) |
Number of securities underlying unexercised options (#) Unexercisable(1) |
Option exercise price ($)(1) |
Option expiration date |
Number of shares or units of stock that have not vested (#)(1) |
Market value of shares or units of stock that have not vested ($) |
Gregory B. Maffei |
Option Awards |
437,023 | | 23.88 | 12/16/2015 | | | |||||||||||||
1,161,860 | | 23.88 | 12/17/2019 | | | |||||||||||||
883,096 | | 23.55 | 12/16/2015 | | | |||||||||||||
2,347,777 | | 23.55 | 12/17/2019 | | | |||||||||||||
| 3,298,724 | (2) | 34.04 | 12/24/2021 | | | ||||||||||||
Richard N. Baer |
Option Awards |
| 106,354 | (3) | 23.66 | 11/08/2022 | | | ||||||||||||
| 214,857 | (3) | 23.33 | 11/08/2022 | | | ||||||||||||
Stock Awards |
| | | | 19,372 | (4) | 683,250 | ||||||||||||
| | | | 38,744 | (4) | 1,357,202 | ||||||||||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
Option Awards |
66,324 | 33,163 | (5) | 23.88 | 03/19/2020 | | | ||||||||||||
134,022 | 67,012 | (5) | 23.55 | 03/19/2020 | | | ||||||||||||
Stock Awards |
| | | | 19,091 | (5) | 673,340 | ||||||||||||
| | | | 38,182 | (5) | 1,337,515 | ||||||||||||
Christopher W. Shean |
Option Awards |
1,346 | | 23.88 | 12/17/2016 | | | |||||||||||||
66,324 | 33,163 | (5) | 23.88 | 03/19/2020 | | | ||||||||||||
2,720 | | 23.55 | 12/17/2016 | | | |||||||||||||
134,022 | 67,012 | (5) | 23.55 | 03/19/2020 | | | ||||||||||||
Stock Awards |
| | | | 19,091 | (5) | 673,340 | ||||||||||||
| | | | 38,182 | (5) | 1,337,515 |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested
The following table sets forth information concerning the exercise of vested options and the vesting of restricted stock held by our named executive officers (with the exception of Messrs. Malone and
Baer, who had no exercises of vested options or vesting of restricted stock), in each case, during the year ended December 31, 2014.
Option Awards | Stock Awards | |||||||||||
Number of shares acquired on exercise (#)(1) |
Value realized on exercise ($) |
Number of shares acquired on vesting (#)(1) |
Value realized on vesting ($) |
Gregory B. Maffei |
297,546 | 7,278,039 | 406,824 | (2) | |||||||||
300,972 | 3,075,395 | 813,648 | (2) | |||||||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
11,763 | 148,577 | 19,091 | (2) | |||||||||
23,769 | 299,952 | | | |||||||||
Christopher W. Shean |
| | 19,091 | (2) | |||||||||
| | | |
The Value column below represents the value related to awards that were subject to continued vesting requirements as of the Grant Date, but which vested during the twelve months ended December 31, 2014. Such value was realized by the applicable named executive officer in 2012 and therefore included in our proxy statement relating to our 2013 annual meeting of stockholders under "Executive CompensationOption Exercises and Stock Vested."
Number of shares acquired upon lapse of restriction (#) |
Value ($) | |||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
406,824 | 9,706,821 | |||||
813,648 | 18,539,783 | |||||
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
19,091 | 1,773,363 | |||||
Christopher W. Shean |
19,091 | 1,773,363 |
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans
The following table sets forth information regarding the nonqualified deferred compensation plans in which our named executive officers participated during the year ended December 31, 2014. Messrs. Maffei and Shean participated in the 2006 deferred compensation plan. See "Executive Compensation Arrangements2006 Deferred Compensation Plan" for more information. Mr. Malone's deferred compensation arrangements are described under "Executive Compensation ArrangementsJohn C. Malone."
Executive contributions in 2014 ($) |
Registrant contributions in 2014 ($) |
Aggregate earnings in 2014 ($)(1) |
Aggregate withdrawals/ distributions ($) |
Aggregate balance at 12/31/14 ($)(1)(2) |
John C. Malone |
| | 2,578,530 | (3,082,818 | ) | 20,354,227 | ||||||||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
2,586,476 | | 245,527 | | 4,950,045 | |||||||||||
Christopher W. Shean(3) |
180,832 | | 81,103 | (83,637 | ) | 1,031,303 |
Amount ($) | |||
John C. Malone |
246,409 | |||
Gregory B. Maffei |
52,641 | |||
Christopher W. Shean |
17,295 |
Amount ($) | |||||||||
2013 | 2012 | 2011 | |||||||
John C. Malone |
252,176 | 257,336 | 65,489 | |||||||
Gregory B. Maffei |
9,366 | | | |||||||
Christopher W. Shean |
17,499 | 15,870 | 3,377 |
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change-in-Control
The following table sets forth the potential payments to our named executive officers if their employment with Liberty Media had terminated or a change in control had occurred, in each case, as of December 31, 2014. In the event of such a termination or change in control, the actual amounts may be different due to various factors. In addition, we may enter into new arrangements or modify these arrangements from time to time. The following discussion does not give effect to the provisions of the 2015 Maffei Employment Agreement.
The amounts provided in the tables are based on the closing market prices on December 31, 2014, the last trading day of such year, for our Series A common stock, which was $35.27, and our Series C common stock, which was $35.03. The value of the options and SARs shown in the table is based on the spread between the exercise or base price of the award and the applicable closing market price. The value of the restricted stock shown in the table is based on the applicable closing market price and the number of shares unvested.
Each of our named executive officers has received awards and payments under the existing incentive plans, and each of our named executive officers is eligible to participate in our deferred compensation plan. Additionally, each of Messrs. Malone, Maffei and Baer is entitled to certain payments and certain acceleration rights upon termination under his respective employment agreement. See "Executive Compensation Arrangements" above and "Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change-in-ControlTermination Without Cause or for Good Reason" below.
The circumstances giving rise to these potential payments and a brief summary of the provisions governing their payout are described below and in the footnotes to the table (other than those described under "Executive Compensation Arrangements," which are incorporated by reference herein):
Voluntary Termination. Each of the named executive officers holds equity awards that were issued under our existing incentive plans. Under these plans and the related award agreements, in the event of a voluntary termination of his employment with our company for any reason, each named executive officer would only have a right to the equity grants that vested prior to his termination date, except that each of Mr. Maffei and Mr. Baer has certain acceleration rights with respect to his equity awards and is entitled to certain other benefits upon a voluntary termination of his employment with our company for good reason (as defined in their respective employment agreements). Mr. Maffei also has certain acceleration rights upon a voluntary termination without good reason under the award agreement relating to the Term Options that were granted in connection with the approval of his new compensation arrangement. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsGregory B. Maffei" above, "Executive Compensation ArrangementsRichard N. Baer" and "Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change-in-ControlTermination Without Cause or for Good Reason" below. Neither Mr. Shean nor Mr. Rosenthaler is entitled to any severance payments or other benefits upon a voluntary termination of his employment for any reason.
Under the 2006 deferred compensation plan, we do not have an acceleration right to pay out account balances to the named executive officers upon this type of termination. However, the named executive officer may file at the time of the deferral an election to receive distributions under the 2006 deferred compensation plan upon his separation from service, including a voluntary termination. For purposes of the tabular presentation below, we have assumed that the named executive officer has elected to receive payout of all deferred compensation upon his separation from service, including interest.
Termination for Cause. All outstanding equity grants constituting options or stock appreciation rights, whether unvested or vested but not yet exercised, and all equity grants constituting unvested restricted shares under the existing incentive plans would be forfeited by any named executive officer (other than Mr. Maffei in the case of equity grants constituting vested options or similar rights) who is terminated for "cause." The existing incentive plans, which govern the awards unless there is a different definition in the applicable award agreement, define "cause" as insubordination, dishonesty, incompetence, moral turpitude, other misconduct of any kind and the refusal to perform his duties and responsibilities for any reason other than illness or incapacity; provided that, if such termination is within 12 months after a change in control (as described below), "cause" means a felony conviction for fraud, misappropriation or embezzlement. Mr. Maffei has certain continuing rights to exercise vested options or similar rights following a termination for cause under his employment agreement, and the
employment agreements of Mr. Maffei and Mr. Baer have definitions of cause that are different from the definition under the incentive plans. See "Executive Compensation Arrangements" above.
No immediate distributions under the 2006 deferred compensation plan are permitted as a result of this type of termination (other than pursuant to the compensation committee's right to distribute certain de minimus amounts from an officer's deferred compensation account). However, the named executive officer may file an election at the time of the deferral to receive distributions under the 2006 deferred compensation plan upon his separation from service, including a termination for cause. For purposes of the tabular presentation below, we have assumed that the named executive officer has elected to receive payout of all deferred compensation upon his separation from service, including interest.
Termination Without Cause or for Good Reason. Mr. Malone does not have any unvested equity awards. As of December 31, 2014, Mr. Maffei does not have any unvested equity awards other than the Term Options. The Term Options are subject to acceleration upon a termination of his employment without cause or for good reason. Each of Mr. Malone and Mr. Maffei is entitled to severance payments and/or other benefits upon a termination of his employment without cause or for good reason. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsJohn C. Malone" and "Executive Compensation ArrangementsGregory B. Maffei" above.
The award agreements relating to Mr. Baer's multi-year award provide that upon a termination of his employment without cause or for good reason (each as defined in his employment agreement), a pro rata portion of his unvested options and restricted shares as of the date of termination will vest based on the portion of the vesting period elapsed through the termination date plus 365 days. This pro rata vesting is applied separately with respect to each tranche of his options and restricted shares based on the vesting period for that tranche. Mr. Baer is also entitled to severance payments and other benefits upon a termination of his employment without cause or for good reason. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsRichard N. Baer"
Mr. Shean's and Mr. Rosenthaler's multi-year awards, which are their only unvested awards, provide for vesting upon a termination of employment without cause of those options or restricted shares, as applicable, that would have vested during the 12-month period following the termination date if such person had remained an employee, plus a pro rata portion of the remaining unvested options or restricted shares, as applicable, based on the portion of the vesting period elapsed through the termination date. Neither of these officers is entitled to any severance pay or other benefits upon a termination without cause.
No immediate distributions under the 2006 deferred compensation plan are permitted as a result of this type of termination (other than pursuant to the compensation committee's right to distribute certain de minimus amounts from an officer's deferred compensation account). However, the named executive officer may file an election at the time of the deferral to receive distributions under the 2006 deferred compensation plan upon his separation from service, including a termination without cause or for good reason. For purposes of the tabular presentation below, we have assumed that the named executive officer has elected to receive payout of all deferred compensation upon separation from service, including interest.
Death. In the event of death of any of the named executive officers, the existing incentive plans and applicable award agreements provide for vesting in full of any outstanding options or SARs and the lapse of restrictions on any restricted share awards. Each of Mr. Malone, Mr. Maffei and Mr. Baer is also entitled to certain payments and other benefits if he dies while employed by our company. See "Executive Compensation Arrangements" above.
No amounts are shown for payments pursuant to life insurance policies, which we make available to all our employees.
Under the 2006 deferred compensation plan, we do not have an acceleration right to payout account balances to the named executive officers upon this type of termination. However, the named executive officer may file an election at the time of the deferral to receive distributions under the 2006 deferred compensation plan upon his separation from service, including a termination due to death. For purposes of the tabular presentation below, we have assumed that the named executive officer has elected to receive payout of all deferred compensation upon separation from service, including interest.
Disability. If the employment of any of the named executive officers is terminated due to disability, which is defined in the incentive plans or applicable award agreements, such plans or agreements provide for vesting in full of any outstanding options or SARs and the lapse of restrictions on any restricted share awards. Each of Mr. Malone, Mr. Maffei and Mr. Baer is also entitled to certain payments and other benefits upon a termination of his employment due to disability. See "Executive Compensation Arrangements" above.
No amounts are shown for payments pursuant to short-term and long-term disability policies, which we make available to all our employees.
Under the 2006 deferred compensation plan, we do not have an acceleration right to payout account balances to the named executive officers upon this type of termination. However, the named executive officer may file an election at the time of the deferral to receive distributions under the 2006 deferred compensation plan upon his separation from service, including a termination due to disability. For purposes of the tabular presentation below, we have assumed that the named executive officer has elected to receive payout of all deferred compensation upon separation from service, including interest.
Change in Control. In case of a change in control, the incentive plans provide for vesting in full of any outstanding options or SARs and the lapse of restrictions on any restricted share awards held by the named executive officers. A change in control is generally defined as:
In the case of a change in control described in the last bullet point, our compensation committee may determine not to accelerate the existing equity awards of the named executive officers if equivalent awards will be substituted for the existing awards, except that Mr. Maffei's awards, including the Term Options, may also be subject to acceleration upon a change in control, including of the type described in the last bullet point, pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsGregory B. Maffei" above. For purposes of the tabular presentation below, we have assumed no such determination was made.
The 2006 deferred compensation plan provides our compensation committee with the option of terminating the plan 30 days preceding or within 12 months after a change of control and distributing
the account balances (which option is assumed to have been exercised for purposes of the tabular presentation below).
Benefits Payable Upon Termination or Change in Control
Voluntary Termination Without Good Reason ($) |
Termination for Cause ($) |
Termination Without Cause or for Good Reason ($) |
Death ($) |
Disability ($) |
After a Change in Control ($) |
John C. Malone |
Lump Sum Severance(1) |
19,500 | | 19,500 | | 19,500 | 19,500 | |||||||||||||
Installment Severance Plan(2) |
27,666,885 | 27,666,885 | 27,666,885 | 27,666,885 | 27,666,885 | 27,666,885 | |||||||||||||
1993 Deferred Compensation Arrangement(3) |
3,394,400 | 3,394,400 | 3,394,400 | 2,032,645 | 3,394,400 | 3,394,400 | |||||||||||||
1982 Deferred Compensation Arrangement(3) |
40,021,950 | 40,021,950 | 40,021,950 | 18,321,582 | 40,021,950 | 40,021,950 | |||||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total |
71,102,735 | 71,083,235 | 71,102,735 | 48,021,112 | 71,102,735 | 71,102,735 | |||||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Gregory B. Maffei |
Severance(4) |
| | 7,800,000 | 7,800,000 | 7,800,000 | 7,800,000 | |||||||||||||
Deferred Compensation |
4,950,045 | (5) | 4,950,045 | (5) | 4,950,045 | (5) | 4,950,045 | (5) | 4,950,045 | (5) | 4,950,045 | (5) | |||||||
Options/SARs |
55,315,782 | (6) | 55,301,699 | (6) | 56,418,287 | (7) | 58,567,436 | (8) | 58,567,436 | (8) | 58,567,436 | (8) | |||||||
Restricted Stock |
| | | (7) | | (8) | | (8) | | ||||||||||
Perquisites(9) |
| | 748,307 | | 748,307 | | |||||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total |
60,265,827 | 60,251,744 | 69,916,639 | 71,317,481 | 72,065,788 | 71,317,481 | |||||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Richard N. Baer |
Severance(10) |
| | 1,699,500 | 1,699,500 | 1,699,500 | | |||||||||||||
Options/SARs |
| | 3,278,734 | (11) | 3,748,597 | (8) | 3,748,597 | (8) | 3,748,597 | (8) | |||||||||
Restricted Stock |
| | 1,793,168 | (11) | 2,040,453 | (8) | 2,040,453 | (8) | 2,040,453 | (8) | |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total |
| | 6,771,402 | 7,488,550 | 7,488,550 | 5,789,050 | |||||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Albert E. Rosenthaler |
Options/SARs |
2,294,003 | (6) | | 3,441,027 | (11) | 3,441,027 | (8) | 3,441,027 | (8) | 3,441,027 | (8) | ||||||||
Restricted Stock |
| | 2,010,855 | (11) | 2,010,855 | (8) | 2,010,855 | (8) | 2,010,855 | (8) | |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total |
2,294,003 | | 5,451,882 | 5,451,882 | 5,451,882 | 5,451,882 | |||||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Christopher W. Shean |
Deferred Compensation(12) |
853,005 | 853,005 | 853,005 | 853,005 | (5) | 853,005 | (5) | 853,005 | (5) | ||||||||||
Options/SARs |
2,340,559 | (6) | | 3,487,584 | (11) | 3,487,584 | (8) | 3,487,584 | (8) | 3,487,584 | (8) | ||||||||
Restricted Stock |
| | 2,010,855 | (11) | 2,010,855 | (8) | 2,010,855 | (8) | 2,010,855 | (8) | |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total |
3,193,564 | 853,005 | 6,351,444 | 6,351,444 | 6,351,444 | 6,351,444 | |||||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
amount of these payments remaining as of December 31, 2014. With respect to periods following the termination of his employment, the foregoing payments are conditioned on Mr. Malone's compliance with the confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation and non-interference covenants contained in his employment agreement. If Mr. Malone's employment had been terminated, as of December 31, 2014, as a result of his death, his beneficiaries would have instead been entitled to a lump sum payment of the unamortized principal balance of the remaining deferred compensation payments, and the compliance conditions described above would be inapplicable. See "Executive Compensation ArrangementsJohn C. Malone" above.
Director Fees. Each of our directors who is not an employee of our company is paid an annual fee of $181,000 (which, in 2014, was $175,000) (which we refer to as the director fee), of which $88,000 ($85,000 in 2014) is payable in cash and the balance is payable in restricted shares or options to purchase shares of LMCK. See "Director Restricted Share Grants" and "Director Option Grant" below for information on the incentive awards granted in 2014 to the nonemployee directors. The chairman of the audit committee of our board of directors and each other member of that committee is paid an additional annual fee of $30,000. With respect to our executive committee, each nonemployee member thereof receives an additional annual fee of $10,000 for his participation on the committee. With respect to our compensation committee and nominating and corporate governance committee, each member thereof receives an additional annual fee of $10,000 for his or her participation on each such committee, except that any committee member who is also the chairman of that committee instead receives an additional annual fee of $20,000 for his or her participation on that committee. The cash portion of the director fees and the fees for participation on committees are payable quarterly in arrears.
Charitable Contributions. If a director makes a donation to our political action committee, we will make a matching donation to a charity of his or her choice in an amount not to exceed $10,000.
Equity Incentive Plan. The Liberty Media Corporation 2013 Nonemployee Director Incentive Plan, as amended (the director plan) is administered by our entire board of directors. Our board of directors has full power and authority to grant eligible persons the awards described below and to determine the terms and conditions under which any awards are made. The director plan is designed to provide our nonemployee directors with additional remuneration for services rendered, to encourage their investment in our common stock and to aid in attracting persons of exceptional ability to become nonemployee directors of our company. Our board of directors may grant non-qualified stock options, SARs, restricted shares, restricted stock units and cash awards or any combination of the foregoing under the director plan.
The maximum number of shares of our common stock with respect to which awards may be issued under the director plan is 4,490,000, subject to anti-dilution and other adjustment provisions of the plan. Shares of our common stock issuable pursuant to awards made under the director plan are made available from either authorized but unissued shares or shares that have been issued but reacquired by our company.
As described above, in connection with the LMC Spin-Off, our company's board of directors adopted the TSAP, which governs the terms and conditions of awards issued in the LMC Spin-Off in connection with adjustments made to awards previously granted by Old LMC with respect to its common stock.
In 2014, each of our non-employee directors was given a choice of receiving his or her annual equity grant in the form of restricted shares or options.
Director Restricted Share Grants. Pursuant to our director compensation policy described above and the director plan, on December 15, 2014, each of Mr. Bennett, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Evan Malone, Mr. Rapley, Mr. Romrell and Ms. Wong were granted 2,625 restricted shares of LMCK. These restricted shares will vest on the second anniversary of the grant date, or on such earlier date that the grantee ceases to be a director because of death or disability, and, unless our board of directors determines otherwise, will be forfeited if the grantee resigns or is removed from the board before the vesting date.
Director Option Grant. Pursuant to our director compensation policy described above and the director plan, on December 15, 2014, Mr. Gilchrist was granted options to purchase 8,507 shares of LMCK at an exercise price equal to $33.63, which was the closing price of such stock on the grant date. The per share grant date fair value of these options was $9.50. The options will become exercisable on the second anniversary of the grant date, or on such earlier date that the grantee ceases to be a director because of death or disability, and will be terminated without becoming exercisable if the grantee resigns or is removed from the board before the vesting date. Once vested, the options will remain exercisable until the seventh anniversary of the grant date, or, if earlier, until the first business day following the first anniversary of the date the grantee ceases to be a director.
Director Deferred Compensation Plan. Effective beginning in the fourth quarter of 2013, directors of our company are eligible to participate in the Liberty Media Corporation Nonemployee Director Deferred Compensation Plan (the director deferred compensation plan), pursuant to which eligible directors of our company can elect to defer all or any portion of their annual cash fees that they would otherwise be entitled to receive. The deferral of such annual cash fees shall be effected by a reduction in the quarterly payment of such annual cash fees by the percentage specified in the director's election. Elections are required to be made in advance of certain deadlines, which generally must be on or before the close of business on December 31 of the year prior to the year to which the director's election will apply, and elections must include the form of distribution, such as a lump-sum payment or substantially equal installments over a period not to exceed ten years. The director deferred compensation plan has been amended effective January 1, 2015, to reflect the following changes: (A) Compensation deferred under the director deferred compensation plan prior to January 1, 2015 will earn interest at the rate of 9% per year, compounded quarterly at the end of each calendar quarter. For amounts deferred on or after January 1, 2015, those amounts will earn interest at a rate equal to the prime rate of interest (as determined by reference to the Wall Street Journal) plus 3%; and (B) the board of directors has the authority to change this interest rate for future deferrals at any time.
Role of Compensation Consultant. Our board was provided with market data from Mercer pertaining to director fees and equity compensation paid to nonemployee directors at companies in the media, telecommunications and entertainment industries. Mercer also provided market data to the board concerning the fees to be paid to our directors who serve on the board of directors of both Liberty Interactive and our company. The market data indicated our total compensation is near the 25th percentile. After consideration of this market data, the board determined to increase the equity and board retainer portion of the nonemployee director compensation by 3%, which was consistent with the board's recent historical practice and leaves us near the 25th percentile of the market data at each company.
Fees Earned or Paid in Cash ($) |
Stock Awards ($)(2)(3) |
Option Awards ($)(2)(3) |
Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings ($)(4) |
All Other Compensation ($)(5) |
Total ($) |
Robert R. Bennett |
95,000 | (4) | 88,279 | | 1,142 | 17,833 | (6) | 202,254 | |||||||||||
Donne F. Fisher |
125,000 | 88,279 | | | 22,833 | (6)(7) | 236,112 | ||||||||||||
M. Ian G. Gilchrist |
145,000 | | 80,791 | | 10,074 | (6) | 235,865 | ||||||||||||
Evan D. Malone |
85,000 | 88,279 | | | | 173,279 | |||||||||||||
David E. Rapley |
115,000 | 88,279 | | | 17,833 | (6) | 221,112 | ||||||||||||
Larry E. Romrell |
125,000 | 88,279 | | | 17,833 | (6) | 231,112 | ||||||||||||
Andrea L. Wong |
105,000 | (4) | 88,279 | | 1,336 | 2,000 | (7) | 196,615 |
Robert R. Bennett |
Donne F. Fisher |
M. Ian G. Gilchrist |
Evan D. Malone |
David E. Rapley |
Larry E. Romrell |
Andrea L. Wong |
Options/SARs |
| 11,671 | 1,651 | 8,179 | | 2,688 | | |||||||||||||||
| 23,588 | 11,843 | 16,531 | | 5,432 | | |||||||||||||||
Restricted Stock |
595 | 595 | 595 | 595 | 595 | 595 | 595 | |||||||||||||||
3,815 | 3,815 | 1,190 | 3,815 | 3,815 | 3,815 | 3,815 |
Deferred Compensation |
2014 Above Market Earnings on Accrued Interest |
Robert R. Bennett |
92,596 | 1,142 | |||||
Andrea L. Wong |
105,000 | 1,336 |
The following table sets forth information as of December 31, 2014 with respect to shares of our common stock authorized for issuance under our equity compensation plans.
Plan Category
Number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights (a)(1) |
Weighted average exercise price of outstanding options, warrants and rights |
Number of securities available for future issuance under equity compensation plans (excluding securities reflected in column (a))(1) |
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders: |
Liberty Media Corporation 2013 Incentive Plan (Amended and Restated as of March 31, 2015) |
71,558,102 | |||||||||
24,080 | $ | 37.24 | |||||||
| | ||||||||
3,399,609 | $ | 34.09 | |||||||
Liberty Media Corporation 2013 Nonemployee Director Incentive Plan, as amended |
4,461,578 | |||||||||
| | ||||||||
| | ||||||||
8,507 | $ | 33.63 | |||||||
Liberty Media Corporation Transitional Stock Adjustment Plan |
| (2) | ||||||||
3,182,908 | $ | 23.10 | |||||||
| | ||||||||
6,424,782 | $ | 22.80 | |||||||
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders: None. |
Total |
| | | | | | | | | | |
3,206,988 | |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
9,832,898 | |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
76,019,680 | |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Under our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Corporate Governance Guidelines, if a director or executive officer has an actual or potential conflict of interest (which includes being a party to a proposed "related party transaction" (as defined by Item 404 of Regulation S-K)), the director or executive officer should promptly inform the person designated by our board to address such actual or potential conflicts. No related party transaction may be effected by our company without the approval
of the audit committee of our board or another independent body of our board designated to address such actual or potential conflicts.
Agreements Entered Into in Connection with the Broadband Spin-Off
In connection with the Broadband Spin-Off, our company and Liberty Broadband entered into the agreements described below.
Reorganization Agreement
On October 28, 2014, we entered into a reorganization agreement with Liberty Broadband to provide for, among other things, the principal corporate transactions (including the internal restructuring) required to effect the Broadband Spin-Off, certain conditions to the Broadband Spin-Off and provisions governing the relationship between our company and Liberty Broadband with respect to and resulting from the Broadband Spin-Off. The reorganization agreement also provides for mutual indemnification obligations, which are designed to make Liberty Broadband financially responsible for substantially all of the liabilities that may exist relating to the businesses included in Liberty Broadband at the time of the Broadband Spin-Off together with certain other specified liabilities, as well as for all liabilities incurred by Liberty Broadband after the Broadband Spin-Off, and to make our company financially responsible for all potential liabilities of Liberty Broadband which are not related to its businesses, including, for example, any liabilities arising as a result of Liberty Broadband having been our subsidiary, together with certain other specified liabilities. These indemnification obligations exclude any matters relating to taxes. For a description of the allocation of tax-related obligations, please see "Tax Sharing Agreement" below.
In addition, the reorganization agreement provides for each of our company and Liberty Broadband to preserve the confidentiality of all confidential or proprietary information of the other party for five years following the Broadband Spin-Off, subject to customary exceptions, including disclosures required by law, court order or government regulation.
Tax Sharing Agreement
On November 4, 2014, we and Liberty Broadband entered into a tax sharing agreement which generally allocates certain taxes, tax items, and tax-related losses between our company and Liberty Broadband. For purposes of this summary, references to the "Broadband group" mean, with respect to any tax year (or portion thereof) ending at or before the effective time of the Broadband Spin-Off, Liberty Broadband and each of its subsidiaries at the effective time of the Broadband Spin-Off, and with respect to any tax year (or portion thereof) beginning after the effective time of the Broadband Spin-Off, Liberty Broadband and its subsidiaries during such tax year (or portion thereof); and references to the "Liberty group" mean, with respect to any tax year (or portion thereof), our company and our subsidiaries, other than any person that is a member of the Broadband group during such tax year (or portion thereof).
Generally, under the tax sharing agreement, (i) we will be allocated all taxes attributable to the members of the Liberty group, and all taxes attributable to the members of the Broadband group for a pre-Broadband Spin-Off period, that are reported on any consolidated, combined or unitary tax return that includes one or more members of the Liberty group and one or more members of the Broadband group, and (ii) each of our company and Liberty Broadband will be allocated all taxes attributable to the members of its respective group that are reported on any tax return (including any consolidated, combined or unitary tax return) that includes only the members of its respective group. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will be allocated any taxes and tax-related losses resulting from the Broadband Spin-Off and related restructuring transactions, except that Liberty Broadband will be allocated any such taxes or tax-related losses that (i) result primarily from, individually or in the
aggregate, a breach by Liberty Broadband of any of its restrictive covenants relating to the Broadband Spin-Off and related restructuring transactions, or (ii) result from Section 355(e) of the Code applying to the Broadband Spin-Off as a result of the Broadband Spin-Off being part of a plan (or series of related transactions) pursuant to which one or more persons acquire a 50-percent or greater interest (by vote or value) in the stock of Liberty Broadband.
The parties must indemnify each other for taxes and losses allocated to them under the tax sharing agreement and for taxes and losses arising from a breach by them of their respective covenants and obligations under the tax sharing agreement. The tax sharing agreement also provides for the agreements between the parties related to the filing of tax returns, control of tax audits, cooperation on tax matters, retention of tax records, and other tax matters.
These descriptions are qualified in their entirety by reference to the full text of the reorganization agreement and the tax sharing agreement, which are filed as Exhibits 2.1 and 10.1 to Liberty Broadband's Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on November 10, 2014.
This proxy statement relates to our annual meeting of stockholders for the calendar year 2015 which will take place on June 2, 2015. Based solely on the date of our 2015 annual meeting and the date of this proxy statement, (i) a stockholder proposal must be submitted in writing to our Corporate Secretary and received at our executive offices at 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112, by the close of business on December 24, 2015 in order to be eligible for inclusion in our proxy materials for the annual meeting of stockholders for the calendar year 2016 (the 2016 annual meeting), and (ii) a stockholder proposal, or any nomination by stockholders of a person or persons for election to the board of directors, must be received at our executive offices at the foregoing address not earlier than March 4, 2016 and not later than April 3, 2016 to be considered for presentation at the 2016 annual meeting. We currently anticipate that the 2016 annual meeting will be held during the second quarter of 2016. If the 2016 annual meeting takes place more than 30 days before or 30 days after June 2, 2016 (the anniversary of the 2015 annual meeting), a stockholder proposal, or any nomination by stockholders of a person or persons for election to the board of directors, will instead be required to be received at our executive offices at the foregoing address not later than the close of business on the tenth day following the first day on which notice of the date of the 2016 annual meeting is communicated to stockholders or public disclosure of the date of the 2016 annual meeting is made, whichever occurs first, in order to be considered for presentation at the 2016 annual meeting.
All stockholder proposals for inclusion in our proxy materials will be subject to the requirements of the proxy rules adopted under the Exchange Act, our charter and bylaws and Delaware law.
We file periodic reports, proxy materials and other information with the SEC. You may read and copy any document that we file at the Public Reference Room of the SEC at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You may obtain information on the operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the SEC at (800) SEC-0330. You may also inspect such filings on the Internet website maintained by the SEC at Additional information can also be found on our website at (Information contained on any website referenced in this proxy statement is not incorporated by reference in this proxy statement.) If you would like to receive a copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, or any of the exhibits listed therein, please call or submit a request in writing to Investor Relations, Liberty Media Corporation, 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112, Tel. No. (877) 772-1518, and we will provide you with the Annual Report without charge, or any of the exhibits listed therein upon the payment of a nominal fee (which fee will be limited to the expenses we incur in providing you with the requested exhibits).
Using a black ink pen, mark your votes with an X as shown in this example. Please do not write outside the designated areas. X 022J9E 1 U PX + Annual Meeting Proxy Card . Authorized Signatures This section must be completed for your vote to be counted. Date and Sign Below C Please sign your name exactly as it appears hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please add your title as such. When signing as joint tenants, all parties in the joint tenancy must sign. If a signer is a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by duly authorized officer. Signature 1 Please keep signature within the box. Signature 2 Please keep signature within the box. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Please print date below. + Change of Address Please print your new address below. Comments Please print your comments below. B Non-Voting Items A Proposals The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all nominees listed in Proposal 1 and FOR Proposals 2 and 3. 2. A proposal to ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. Meeting Attendance Mark the box to the right if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting. 01 - Brian M. Deevy 02 - Gregory B. Maffei 1. Election of Directors: For Withhold For Withhold IMPORTANT ANNUAL MEETING INFORMATION For Against Abstain 03 - Andrea L. Wong For Withhold 3. The say-on-pay proposal, to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. For Against Abstain MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext 000004 MR A SAMPLE DESIGNATION (IF ANY) ADD 1 ADD 2 ADD 3 ADD 4 ADD 5 ADD 6 ENDORSEMENT_LINE______________ SACKPACK_____________ 1234 5678 9012 345 MMMMMMM 2 3 6 3 7 7 1 MR A SAMPLE (THIS AREA IS SET UP TO ACCOMMODATE 140 CHARACTERS) MR A SAMPLE AND MR A SAMPLE AND MR A SAMPLE AND MR A SAMPLE AND MR A SAMPLE AND MR A SAMPLE AND MR A SAMPLE AND MR A SAMPLE AND MMMMMMMMM C 1234567890 J N T C123456789 qIF YOU HAVE NOT VOTED VIA THE INTERNET OR TELEPHONE, FOLD ALONG THE PERFORATION, DETACH AND RETURN THE BOTTOM PORTION IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.q Electronic Voting Instructions Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Instead of mailing your proxy, you may choose one of the voting methods outlined below to vote your proxy. VALIDATION DETAILS ARE LOCATED BELOW IN THE TITLE BAR. Proxies submitted by the Internet or telephone must be received by 1:00 a.m., Central Time, on June 2, 2015 Vote by Internet Go to Or scan the QR code with your smartphone Follow the steps outlined on the secure website Vote by telephone Call toll free 1-800-652-VOTE (8683) within the USA, US territories & Canada on a touch-tone telephone Follow the instructions provided by the recorded message |
. THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS June 2, 2015 The undersigned hereby appoint(s) Richard N. Baer and Christopher W. Shean, or either of them, as proxies, each with the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated on the reverse side of this ballot, all of the shares of Series A common stock and/or Series B common stock held by the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held at 9:00 a.m., local time, on June 2, 2015, at the corporate offices of Starz, 8900 Liberty Circle, Englewood, Colorado 80112, and any adjournment or postponement thereof, with all the powers the undersigned would possess if present in person. All previous proxies given with respect to the meeting are revoked. THIS PROXY, WHEN PROPERLY EXECUTED, WILL BE VOTED AS DIRECTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED. IF NO SUCH DIRECTIONS ARE MADE, THIS PROXY WILL BE VOTED FOR THE ELECTION OF THE NOMINEES LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND FOR PROPOSALS 2 AND 3. IF ANY OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE MEETING, THE PERSONS NAMED IN THIS PROXY WILL VOTE IN THEIR DISCRETION. PLEASE MARK, SIGN, DATE AND RETURN THIS PROXY CARD PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED REPLY ENVELOPE. CONTINUED AND TO BE SIGNED ON REVERSE SIDE Proxy LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION qIF YOU HAVE NOT VOTED VIA THE INTERNET OR TELEPHONE, FOLD ALONG THE PERFORATION, DETACH AND RETURN THE BOTTOM PORTION IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.q | Step 1: Go to to view the materials. Step 2: Click on Cast Your Vote or Request Materials. Step 3: Follow the instructions on the screen to log in. Vote by Internet Go to Or scan the QR code with your smartphone Follow the steps outlined on the secure website Stockholder Meeting Notice 022JBC + + Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Liberty Media Corporation Stockholder Meeting to be Held on June 2, 2015 Under Securities and Exchange Commission rules, you are receiving this notice that the proxy materials for the annual stockholders meeting are available on the Internet. Follow the instructions below to view the materials and vote online or request a copy. The items to be voted on and location of the annual meeting are on the reverse side. Your vote is important! This communication presents only an overview of the more complete proxy materials that are available to you on the Internet. We encourage you to access and review all of the important information contained in the proxy materials before voting. The proxy statement and annual report to stockholders are available at: : Easy Online Access A Convenient Way to View Proxy Materials and Vote When you go online to view materials, you can also vote your shares. Step 4: Make your selection as instructed on each screen to select delivery preferences and vote. When you go online, you can also help the environment by consenting to receive electronic delivery of future materials. Obtaining a Copy of the Proxy Materials If you want to receive a paper or email copy of these documents, you must request one. There is no charge to you for requesting a copy. Please make your request for a copy as instructed on the reverse side on or before May 18, 2015 to facilitate timely delivery. . IMPORTANT ANNUAL MEETING INFORMATION NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN NNNNNN C 1234567890 2 3 6 3 7 7 1234 5678 9012 345 000004 MR A SAMPLE DESIGNATION (IF ANY) ADD 1 ADD 2 ADD 3 ADD 4 ADD 5 ADD 6 ENDORSEMENT_LINE______________ SACKPACK_____________ |
Heres how to order a copy of the proxy materials and select a future delivery preference: Paper copies: Current and future paper delivery requests can be submitted via the telephone, Internet or email options below. Email copies: Current and future email delivery requests must be submitted via the Internet following the instructions below. If you request an email copy of current materials you will receive an email with a link to the materials. PLEASE NOTE: You must use the number in the shaded bar on the reverse side when requesting a set of proxy materials. g Internet Go to Click Cast Your Vote or Request Materials. Follow the instructions to log in and order a paper or email copy of the current meeting materials and submit your preference for email or paper delivery of future meeting materials. g Telephone Call us free of charge at 1-866-641-4276 using a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions to log in and order a paper copy of the materials by mail for the current meeting. You can also submit a preference to receive a paper copy for future meetings. g Email Send an email to with Proxy Materials Liberty Media Corporation in the subject line. Include in the message your full name and address, plus the number located in the shaded bar on the reverse, and state in the email that you want a paper copy of current meeting materials. You can also state your preference to receive a paper copy for future meetings. To facilitate timely delivery, all requests for a paper copy of the proxy materials must be received by May 18, 2015. . Stockholder Meeting Notice Liberty Media Corporations Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held on June 2, 2015 at the corporate offices of Starz, 8900 Liberty Circle, Englewood, Colorado 80112, at 9:00 a.m., local time. For directions to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (where you may vote in person), please call (720) 875-5400. Proposals to be voted on at the meeting are listed below along with the Board of Directors recommendations. The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR all nominees listed in Proposal 1 and FOR Proposals 2 and 3. 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Nominees: 01 - Brian M. Deevy 02 - Gregory B. Maffei 03 - Andrea L. Wong 2. A proposal to ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. 3. The say-on-pay proposal, to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. PLEASE NOTE THIS NOTICE IS NOT A PROXY CARD AND ACCORDINGLY YOU CANNOT VOTE BY RETURNING THIS NOTICE. To vote your shares you must vote online or request a paper copy of the proxy materials to receive a proxy card. If you wish to attend and vote at the meeting, please bring this notice with you. 022JBC |