Stock Cost Basis

This is not tax advice. Please note that the information below is provided solely as a convenience to shareholders. Liberty Media Corporation does not provide its shareholders with tax advice and the information below is not intended to provide tax advice. Liberty Media Corporation encourages its shareholders to consult with their own tax advisors with respect to their specific questions pertaining to their own tax positions.

September 9, 2024 - Liberty Media Corporation completed the split-off of entity (“New SiriusXM”) which held the businesses, assets, and liabilities formerly attributed to the Liberty SiriusXM Group, and subsequent merger of New SiriusXM with SiriusXM Holdings, Inc. to create a new public company that continues to operate under the Sirius XM name and brand (NASDAQ: SIRI). In the split-off transaction:

  • each outstanding share of Liberty SiriusXM was exchanged for 0.8375 shares of New SiriusXM.

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August 3, 2023 - Liberty Media Corporation completed reclassification of its existing Liberty SiriusXM common stock and Liberty Formula One common stock into three new tracking stocks: new Liberty SiriusXM common stock, new Liberty Formula One common stock and Liberty Live common stock (LSXMA/B/K, FWONA/B/K, LLYVA/B/K). In the Reclassification,

  • each outstanding share of Liberty SiriusXM common stock was reclassified into one share of the corresponding series of new Liberty SiriusXM common stock and 0.2500 of a share of the corresponding series of Liberty Live common stock, and
  • each outstanding share of Liberty Formula One common stock was reclassified into one share of the corresponding series of new Liberty Formula One common stock and 0.0428 of a share of the corresponding series of Liberty Live common stock.

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July 19, 2023 - Liberty Media Corporation distributed 0.028960604 of a share of Series C common stock ("BATRK") of Atlanta Braves Holdings, Inc. ("ABH") to each holder of a share of LMC's Liberty Formula One common stock (the "Formula One Distribution") as part of a series of transactions including the split-off of ABH (the "Split-Off transactions"). Cash was issued in lieu of fractional shares. Immediately following the Formula One Distribution, the tax basis of each FWONA, FWONK, and FWONB share will be allocated between such share and the fraction of a share of BATRK received in the Formula One Distribution.

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July 18, 2023 - Liberty Media Corporation completed the split-off of Atlanta Braves Holdings, Inc. Each holder of Liberty Braves Series A/B/C common stock (BATRA/BATRB/BATRK) was exchanged on a one-for-one basis with the corresponding series of Atlanta Braves Holdings, Inc. common stock (BATRA/BATRB/BATRK).

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May 15, 2020 - Liberty Media Corporation distributed Series C Rights to Liberty SiriusXM Group Series A/B/C shareholders. Each holder of Liberty SiriusXM Group Series A/B/C tracking stock received 0.0939 of a Series C Right for each share of Liberty SiriusXM Group tracking stock held.

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May 18, 2016 - Liberty Media Corporation distributed Series C Rights to Liberty Braves Group Series A/B/C shareholders. Each holder of Liberty Braves Group Series A/B/C tracking stock received 0.47 of a Series C Right for each share of Liberty Braves Group tracking stock held.

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April 15, 2016 - Liberty Media Corporation recapitalized its existing common stock into three tracking stocks, Liberty SiriusXM Group, Liberty Braves Group and Liberty Media Group. Each share of Liberty Media Corporation's existing LMCA/LMCB/LMCK common stock as of market close on April 15, 2016 received, on a like for like series basis, 1 share of LSXMA/LSXMB/LSXMK, 0.25 shares of LMCA/LMCB/LMCK and 0.1 shares of BATRA/BATRB/BATRK.

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November 4, 2014 - Liberty Media Corporation completed the spin-off of Liberty Broadband Corporation. Each holder of Liberty Media Series A/B/C Common Stock (LMCA/LMCB/LMCK) received one-fourth of a share of the corresponding series of Liberty Broadband Corporation Common Stock (LBRDA/LBRDB/LBRDK). Immediately after the spin-off, the tax basis of each LMCA/LMCB/LMCK share held prior to the spin-off will be allocated between the original share and the new share issued as part of the spin-off. Cash was issued in lieu of fractional shares.

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July 23, 2014 - Liberty Media Corporation issued shares of its Series C common stock to holders of its Series A and Series B common stock by means of a dividend. Holders of Series A and Series B common stock as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. time on July 7, 2014, the record date for the dividend, received a dividend of two shares of Series C common stock for each share of Series A or Series B common stock held by them as of the record date.

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January 13, 2013 - In connection with a spin-off transaction (the Spin-off) effected by the corporation formerly known asLiberty Media Corporation (Old LMC), (i) all of the businesses, assets, and liabilities of Old LMC, other than Starz, LLC,were contributed to Liberty Spinco, Inc., a former subsidiary of Old LMC; (ii) Old LMC was renamed Starz (STRZ);(iii) Liberty Spinco, Inc. was renamed Liberty Media Corporation (New LMC); and (iv) all of the stock of New LMC was distributed on January 11, 2013 to the holders of record of Old LMC stock on the record date.

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November 28, 2011 - Liberty Media Corporation (Liberty Media) completes the conversion of each share of its Liberty Starz common stock (LSTZA and LSTZB) into 0.88129 of a share of the corresponding series of Liberty Capital common stock (LMCA and LMCB). The tax basis of each 0.88129 of a share of Liberty Media's LMCA and LMCB stock received by holders of Liberty Media's Liberty Starz common stock in the conversion should generally be the same as the tax basis of the share of Liberty Media's LSTZA or LSTZB stock, respectively, that is surrendered in exchange therefor. The tax basis of shares of Liberty Capital common stock held prior to the conversion is not affected by the conversion.


September 23, 2011 – Liberty Interactive Corporation (f/k/a Liberty Media Corporation and referred to herein as Liberty Interactive) completes the split-off of Liberty Media Corporation (f/k/a Liberty CapStarz, Inc. and Liberty Splitco, Inc. and referred to herein as Liberty Media). In the split-off, Liberty Interactive redeemed each share of its Liberty Capital and Liberty Starz common stock in exchange for one share of the corresponding series of Liberty Media's Liberty Capital and Liberty Starz common stock, respectively. The ticker symbols for Liberty Media's Liberty Capital and Liberty Starz common stock are the same as the ticker symbols for Liberty Interactive's Liberty Capital and Liberty Starz common stock.

The tax basis of each share of Liberty Media's LCAPA, LCAPB, LSTZA, and LSTZB stock received by holders of Liberty Interactive's Liberty Capital and Liberty Starz common stock in the split-off should generally be the same in each case as the tax basis of the share of Liberty Interactive's LCAPA, LCAPB, LSTZA or LSTZB stock, respectively, that is surrendered in exchange therefor. The tax basis of shares of Liberty Interactive common stock is not affected by the split-off.

This is not tax advice. Please note that the information above is provided solely as a convenience to shareholders. Liberty Interactive does not provide its shareholders with tax advice and the information above is not intended to provide tax advice. Liberty encourages its shareholders to consult with their own tax advisors with respect to their specific questions pertaining to their own tax positions.


November 19, 2009, Liberty completes split-off of the Liberty Entertainment Inc (LEI) and business combination with DIRECTV (NASDAQ: DTV). Remaining businesses, assets and liabilities not held by LEI remain with Liberty Media and are redesignated as the Liberty Starz group (NASDAQ: LSTZA/B). 1 share of DTV and .1 shares of LSTZA/B issued for each share of LMDIA/B.

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September 18, 2008, Discovery Holding Company (DHC) completes restructuring into Discovery Communications, Inc. (DCI), and spin off of Ascent Media Corporation (ASCM).

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March 3, 2008, Liberty Media Corporation completes reclassification of its Liberty Capital group common stock (NASDAQ: LCAPA/B) and issues new tracking stock for the Liberty Entertainment group common stock (NASDAQ: LMDIA/B): 4 shares of LMDIA/B issued for each share of LCAPA/B

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May 9, 2006, Liberty Media Corporation completes its restructuring and issues two new tracking stocks Liberty Capital group and Liberty Interactive group (NASDAQ:LCAPA/B and LINTA/B, respectively): 0.05 shares of LCAPA/B issued for each 1 share of L/LMC.B held and 0.25 shares of LINTA/B shares issued for each 1 share of L/LMC.B held.

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July 21, 2005, Discovery Holding Company Spin Off from Liberty Media Corporation: 0.10 shares of DISCA/DISCB issued for each 1 share of L/LMC.B.

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June 8, 2004, Liberty Media International Spin Off from Liberty Media Corporation: 0.05 shares of LBTYA/LBTYB issued for each 1 share of L/LMC.B.

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October 31, 2002, Rights Offering to Liberty Media Shareholders: 0.04 transferable subscription rights issued for each share of Series A common stock and Series B common stock held. Each whole right entitled the holder to purchase one share of Series A common stock at a subscription price of $6.00 per share. Please contact the company for further cost basis information.

August 10, 2001, Liberty Media Split Off from AT&T: Each share of LMG.A/B exchanged on a 1 for 1 basis for shares of the new Liberty Media Corporation Series A and Series B Common stock, trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols LMC.A and LMC.B respectively.

June 9, 2000, 2-for-1 Stock Split: 1 additional share of LMG.A/B issued for every share of LMG.A/B held

June 11, 1999, 2-for-1 Stock Split: 1 additional share of LMG.A/B issued for every share of LMG.A/B held

March 9, 1999, AT&T/TCI Merger: Each share of LBTYA/B exchanged on a 1 for 1 basis for shares of AT&T Liberty Media group A/B, trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols LMG.A/LMG.B

February 6, 1998, 3-for-2 Stock Split: 1 additional share of LBTYA/B issued for every 2 shares of LBTYA/B held

January 6, 1998, TCI/Liberty Merger Settlement: 0.01345 share TCOMA for each share of LBTYA held on August 4, 1994; 0.01542 share TCOMB for each share of LBTYB held on August 4, 1994

January 13, 1997, 3-for-2 Stock Split: 1 additional share of LBTYA for every 2 shares of LBTYA and LBTYB

August 10, 1995, distribution of Liberty tracking stock: 0.25 shares LBTYA/B issued for each 1 share of TCOMA/B

August 4, 1994, Merger with TCI: 0.975 shares TCOMA/B for each share of LBTYA/B; 1 share TCOMP for each share of LBTYP

March 17, 1993, 2-for-1 Stock Split: 1 additional share LBTYA/B issued for each one held

December 3, 1992, 4-for-1 Stock Split: 3 additional shares LBTYA/B issued for each one held

March 12, 1992, Liberty recapitalization: 20 shares new LBTYA/B + 2 shares LBTYP issued in exchange for each share of old LBTYA/

March 28, 1991, Liberty trades publicly

March 19,1991, exercise of Liberty Rights: 16 shares TCOMA/B + 1 Right = LBTYA/B

March 19, 1991, expiration of Liberty Rights: Any not exercised expired with no value

February 6, 1991, issuance of Liberty Rights: 1 Right for every 200 shares of TCOMA/B

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